Page 29 of Marked By the Alpha

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Dad: you owe me a new mum

Throwing my head back in laughter, I tossed the phone back down and went to shower.



I didn’t see Sebastian face to face for the rest of the weekend, but I could smell him. At one point, when I looked out the bedroom window, I saw him laying in the flower bed, with a missing mum plant.

Charity and Jesse showed up early to take me to breakfast and then escort me through my classes. If one of them had a class, another pack member took their place, and I realized how many of the Shadowhelm pack were in my classes.

It felt overwhelming to go from someone nobody noticed to someone everybody saw. Most of my old pack took standard classes and very little to do with the arts. That improved my day.

By the afternoon, I had gone to meet up with the onsite doctor who checked my arm and removed the cast. I loved that being a shifter allowed for my body to heal quickly, but not everything had healed.

I still had the giant cut on my face and bruises all over my body that were a lovely shade of green now.

Paranoia still filled me with dread and I looked over my shoulders about a thousand times, but whoever walked with me always assured me.

My art literature class had paper due at the end of the month, and currently the library was blissfully empty, allowing me to set up at a table in the back corner. Ashton and Logan were sitting at the next table over, giving me space to work.

My pencil flew over the paper, scribbling notes from each book I had on the table. I put my thoughts in order when the scent of apples wafted across my nose.

I tried to look around as casually as possible when I noticed Sebastian over my shoulder.

Shit. Now what?

My body broke out in a cold sweat, and it was harder to breathe.

Am I afraid of him?

Maybe if I take these books over to the return cart and find a different book, he might leave. It’s not that I didn’t want to see him. I just had no clue what to say to him when we met up again.

I stacked my books up and walked around the shelves to the cart, setting them down. As I turned to walk away, large hands reach out cupping my face and lips slammed down on mine.

The scent of apples enveloped me, and I realized it wasn’t fear I felt. I felt twitterpated.


The kiss felt gentle but firm, his tongue teasing the seam of my lips. My hands reached up and grabbed hold of his tee shirt as my lips parted for him.

I’ve never been kissed this way before. His hands on my body shot electricity through me everywhere he touched. For the first time in my life, I felt sexy. And I liked this feeling a lot. I wanted more kisses and touches.

His tongue darted into my mouth and twirled around mine. My cock twitched, and I felt his hands leave my head, slide down my body, and cup my ass. My skin tingled everywhere he touched. He lifted me and my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, feeling his erection press against my sensitive hole.

The kiss felt so magical I didn’t realize he walked us over to a dark corner until the wall pressed into my back and he pulled back, peppering my face with tiny kisses.

“Sebastian.” His name left my lips, and I heard him groan softly.

He spread his kisses down my neck and then up to my ear, moaning in my ear. “My sweet, Nolan.”

I shivered in his arms and felt slick drench my new underwear. My body stiffened, and he immediately pulled back.

“What is it?” He lifted my chin to look into my eyes.

I couldn’t speak. His piercing blue eyes paralyzed my voice, so I pointed down, cringing.

A small smile formed on his lips, and he whispered. “Your slick?”
