Page 30 of Marked By the Alpha

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I nodded, and he brought his hand up, making me flinch. His demeanor changed, and he let me down.

A throat cleared behind him and he stepped back from me to turn and see who stood there.

“I didn’t think the mighty football star knew what a library was.” Professor Aarons’s left eyebrow raised looking at us.

“I know what libraries are.” Sebastian shook his head. “Need something?”

The professor reached up and stroked his beard thoughtfully. “You know what they’re not for?”

“I… I’m sorry, p-professor.” I stuttered out, feeling my cheeks heat from embarrassment.

“Did you forget about our meeting, Nolan?”

My eyes widened in horror. “Oh, no.” I looked down. “I didn’t mean to waste your time.”

“You haven’t.” He smiled. “I still need an assistant. And I knew you would miss our meeting.”


“My brother told me.” He moved his gaze to Sebastian. “Get a room, nephew.”

“I have an entire house.” He growled back, making the professor laugh harder.

“Whew.” Professor Aarons turned and walked away. “Spoken like an alpha in heat.”

Sebastian turned back towards me and dropped to his knees, holding up his hands. “See these?”

I nodded.

“These will never hurt you.Iwill never hurt you.” His eyes burned through mine with their fiery gaze. “I know it’ll take time, but you need to know that about me.”

My head continued bobbing, and he slowly reached up to cup the side of my face. “May I walk you to class?”

Ashton walked over and shoved Sebastian. “Sorry. He’s ours the rest of the day.”

“Asshole.” Sebastian growled.

“Be mad all you want. Your dad and our leader gave us this assignment. Take it up with them.” Ashton laughed and held his arm out for me to take.

I glanced down at Sebastian one more time and then took Ashton’s arm. He walked me over to our tables to get our things and then escorted me to my dance class.

Being the only male in this class gave me a locker room to myself. Logan made sure it was empty and then went to sit by the front door. While Ashton went to sit by the back door.

My cock wouldn’t go down. Sebastian’s kiss burned into my memory, and I swore I could still feel shocks traveling around my body and his lips claiming mine.

He towered over me, making me feel small. And I knew he could easily pin me down and mount me. Picturing him do that, a soft moan left my lips.

The thought of mating with him didn’t frighten me. Instead, I felt heated by that and my cock swelled more. I had time before class. No one was here.

I ripped my new garments from my body and went into the shower room, turning the knobs to where I knew the temperature would be perfect, and my hand wrapped around my cock.

Slow strokes from base to tip while thinking about the way he looked at me. The feel of his lips against my skin and when came to me on Friday he nuzzled me, marking me.

He saved me from Simon and kicked his ass without having to know anything more than he saw and showed off his possessive, powerful side.

Gripping myself tighter, I pumped up and down and felt cum seep from my tip. Standing wasn’t going to work for this and I leaned against the wall, sliding down to a crouch, changing my mind again as I leaned forward on all fours.

Now I can imagine him behind me. His warm body covering mine, his thick cock leaking pre-cum as his fingers pushed into my ass, one at a time, stretching me and my slick coats them.
