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“Hell yeah.” I reach behind me to bump his fist.

Julius looks up. “Thankfully, we have practice so we can work off some energy and be focused for the game.”

“Tell me about it.” I agreed and doodled in my notebook. I lifted the pages and glanced at the small piece of paper I taped on the inside cover.

“The love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly!”

I played off like I didn’t care if I found my true mate or not. But I did.

We had some beautiful omegas in our clan, but not one of them made me smell the telltale scent of a mate. My dad told me to be patient, but do you know how hard it is to do that when you feel lonely inside?

I wanted to have that special connection with someone, the way my dads have. Pops told me all about how he walked into a music store, and suddenly he smelled cinnamon. He followed the scent and felt bowled over by the handsome man behind the counter.

“Poof!” Magic happened, then they got married, had me. Then eight years later, Marcellus came along.


Blowing out a hard breath, I shook off my daydreams and tried to focus on my professor’s lecture. If I fucked up in his class, I’d never hear the end of it. Not from him or my dad since they were brothers.

I jotted down more notes about Freud and felt the itch in my skin. Sure, I looked forward to the big game tonight, but more than that, I couldn’t wait to run with my pack. I could almost feel the earth under my paws, and my heart was beating faster.

“Calm down there, alpha.” Julius teased and shook his head.

“Shut it, beta.” I bumped into him with my elbow and forced myself to pay attention.

My uncle hopped up to sit on the edge of the stage in the room’s front and opened up the floor for questions and discussion.

“And yes. I have a date.” Julius shrugged, smiling.

“It’s a normal moon, right?” I lean over to see what he’s been doodling through class and see it’s a note to someone named Flynn.

He took the page out of his notebook and folded up to look like a flower. “Blue moon at the end of the month. Tonight is just a normal full moon.”

I narrowed my eyes at my best friend. “Who’s Flynn?”

Julius looked at me with a smirk on his dark face. “He’s the new kid in town. The family moved here after losing his sister.”

I loved the tone of his skin, deep like my favorite chocolate. “What’s that smile for?”

“Because.” He sighed, his brown eyes rolling back in his head as he kicked back in the auditorium chair. “He’s a beta. I’m a beta.” He shrugged.

Shaking my head, I chuckle. “You dirty dog.”

“I’m a helper. It’s what I do.” He pretended to pop his collar. “And for him? I can help him get a break from his grief.”

“Way to be a team player.” I chuckled and closed my notebook.

He blew on his knuckles, then brushed them on his shoulder. “I try.”

“Class dismissed!” Professor Aarons called out, and the room cleared as though a fire ripped through.

Stuffing my books back in my bag, I followed Julius to the end of the row. We were talking about our coach as we walked down the path to the door. I glanced at my uncle and waved. As I turned to walk through the door, someone slammed into my chest, knocking me back.

My reflexes kicked in and I steadied myself, holding on to the short guy who slammed into me.

“Easy, kid.”

He shook his head, glared at me, growling. “I’m far from a kid.”
