Page 41 of Marked By the Alpha

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My body throbbed. I still had glass stuck in my palm and I couldn’t get the taste of Simon’s dick out of mouth.

Sebastian held me without squeezing me, and I felt even more broken than I was. His lips pressed down against my head and more tears fell from my eyes.

Why didn’t I go to his parents?

His clothing smelled like Simon, and that caused my stomach to pitch. I tried to sit up and wave my hands, but I was too late.

My vomit spewed out all over me, Sebastian, and the backseat of Julius’s car.

The car swerved and stopped. Sebastian popped the door open and got out. “Do you think you can stand?”

I nodded and he let my legs down, still holding on to me. I felt my legs tremble, and he caught me as I fell to the ground, my stomach heaving more contents up.

His large hand rubbed my back, and I vaguely heard his murmuring in my ear.

I’m a goddamn mess.

Snot dripped down onto my lips, adding to the embarrassment of throwing up on the side of the road.

After a few more heaves, I felt empty and took a deep breath. Sebastian reached over and wiped my mouth with a paper towel and then his hand moved from my back and I saw his wet another one.

He gently tilted my head up and cleaned up my face with the cool, wet towel. Then he handed me the bottle of water.

“I figured you would want to rinse your mouth out and maybe take a drink.”

I bobbed my head and took the offered bottle, doing exactly that. After I gargled and spit the water out, I sat up a little more and took a few sips.

“I think I feel better.” My body shook and more tears fell down my face. “My hand really hurts.” I held up my palm for him to see.

“Hm, it doesn’t look too deep, but we’ll need tweezers.” He held my hand and ran his thumb over my wrist. “When you’re ready, we can get back in the car and get home.”

“I… I’m ready.” I reached for the wet paper towel and blew my nose.

Sebastian helped me stand up and helped me into the backseat before getting in beside me. Julius didn’t say anything as he pulled back onto the road and drove to Sebastian’s house.

I can remember being a young pup and dreaming of finding my mate. I thought it would be sunshine, roses and puppies. Then I grew up and became Simon’s toy. My parents didn’t care, our pack leader didn’t care, and I felt all alone.

Simon let his friends fuck me, force me to give hand jobs and blow jobs. He would watch and laugh.

And now, for the second time, Sebastian rescued me. I didn’t know what to do with that.


I even called my parents this weekend. They laughed and told me it didn’t matter if I found my mate. I would always be a Grimclaw and I needed to do as my alpha wanted. They told me to leave Anders and Leslie, go back to Simon, and acquiesce like a good little omega.

“You look deep in thought.” Sebastian leaned in and whispered in my ear.

My shoulders lifted in a shrug, and I turned my head to watch out the side window. I braced my body in case he slapped me and when he put his arm around me; it filled me with confusion.

Julius made a turn into a cul-de-sac and pulled into the driveway of a brick ranch styled house.

“We’re here.” He glanced behind at us and smiled.

Sebastian opened the door. “Thanks, Julius.”

“Anytime, brother.” He chuckled. “I’ll get Logan to clean the car up.”
