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“Yo, coach!” I nodded.

“Get your head in the game. You’re daydreaming too much today!” He growled.

“Got it, coach.” I let out a long breath and glanced down at my helmet in my hands. “Hey Julius?”

“What?” He took a drink from his water bottle.

“Do you smell apples?” I tilted my head to look at him.

He threw his head in laughter. “Nope.”

I shook my head and pushed the scent out of my mind. Looking up, I watched the four guys from Grimclaw running their last lap. Simon could be a bastard, so it didn’t shock me that the Grimclaws in trouble for their grades were his little posse.

We were both alphas, and he felt the need to prove his virility.

I never felt the need to compete with him, and my indifference pissed him off. That made me laugh every time. My dads told me a good alpha doesn’t need to prove anything. His actions define him.

Coach blew his whistle and yelled out to all of us. “Shower up. Rest. See you in a couple of hours for the game.”

As a team, we ran into the locker room. The stench of sweat and failed deodorant filled my nose. I opened my locker and peeled my wet, smelly clothes off, putting them into my gym bag so I could wash them this weekend.

Grabbing my towel and soap, I walked to the showers and groaned as the cool water beat down on my skin while I soap up my sweaty body.

I could hear all the surrounding conversations. Some were talking about tonight’s game. Others talked about the moonlight run and then I caught Simon and his asshole friend talking about finally getting to nail some sweet tail.

Shaking my head, I dipped my face into the water and then rubbed my soap all over to clean up.

Julius strolled over to the spigot next to me, with his special date night only body wash.

“What?” He shrugged and smiled.

“You hear them?” I motioned behind me with my head.

He turned around in the water and leaned his head back to wet his hair. He let out a howl and pointed at Simon. “Man, I feel bad for that poor omega you’re talking about.”

“Shut up, beta.” Simon growled.

“Poor omega is probably preparing for some sweet love. And here you are plotting to poke them with that little snausage you call a dick.”

Simon’s growl grew louder, and I stepped between him and Julius. “Enough. We’re on the same team.”

Bradley stepped up and glared at me. “Way to handle things, Julius. Have your candy-ass alpha fight your battles for you.”

“Eat a bag of dicks and choke, Brad.” Julius stepped around me. “I don’t need my alpha to fight for me. And I don’t need my alpha to bag some tail to share with me. I can get my own.”

“You son of a…” Bradley scowled and Simon held him back.

“Problem, gentlemen?” Coach’s deep voice echoed in the small room.

I smiled and went back to my shower. “Nope, just a little dick measuring.”

“Simon?” He turned to the Grimclaw. “Problem?”

“Nah, coach.” His voice edged with irritation. “Just some dick measuring.”

“Well, quit yanking each other’s dicks and get the fuck outta here!”

“Yes, sir.” I re-soaped my body and hair, waiting for Julius to finish.
