Page 85 of Marked By the Alpha

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Confusion filled me, and as I tried to go over the events, I realized the sharp poke meant she drugged me.

“I wanna go home.” My voice broke as I spoke. “Please, just let me go home.”

“We will.” He kissed me again. “As soon as the doctor examines you.”

“What?” Fear mixed with the confusion. “I don’t need a doctor!”

“Shh, don’t make aunty mad again.” He nuzzled my neck. “It’s best to keep her happy.”

I’m in hell. That’s the only logical explanation for everything going on.



It took three hot showers, and two ice cold ones with the hose outside to get the stink off my fur and skin.

The pack agreed we needed sleep and we would convene in the morning to share intel and plan our next steps.

I heard my front door open and my dad’s entered the kitchen where I sat a moment later.

“I brought you some coffee.” My dad sat beside me, while my pop loaded the dishwasher to keep busy.

“Did you sleep at all, son?” Pop asked, rinsing another bowl out.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Well, we thought as much, so we’ll drive to the lodge.” Dad came around and hugged me. “We’ll find him.”

“We have to.” I sighed. “I need to know he’s safe.”

Pop finished loading the dishwasher, and we went out the front door to their car. “At least you don’t stink anymore.” He laughed.

“Yeah…” I tilted my head. “But before that stench, I swore I heard and smelled him.”

“Hm, that’s odd.” Dad tilted his head.

Pop nodded as he drove us to the lodge, where most of the pack had already gathered. He parked, and I got out, walking towards the building. In the air, I could smell that strange, foul odor faintly.

Looking around, I saw some Grimclaws mulling about and I felt both of my dads wrap and arm around me as they walked with me to the lodge. We went to the front of the room and heard Dillon call the meeting to order.

Here in the enclosed space of the room, the faint stench smelled stronger. Closing my eyes, I Lifted my head and took a deep breath.

“Do you smell that?” I looked at my dad.

He sniffed the air and nodded. “It smells like you did last night.”

Dillon raised his voice. “Did anyone have any luck?”

“Nope.” Luigi came up front. “Anything found was old.”

“I’d like to address the fact that we’rehelpingand Sebastian injured Bradley.” Lane stepped forward. “Care to explain that?”

“Sure.” I walked closer to Lane. “He called my mate a hot piece of ass.”

“That hardly deserved getting his nose broken.” He snarled back at me.
