Page 90 of Marked By the Alpha

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Sprinting through the woods, I pushed harder when I saw the clearing coming into view. Letting out a howl and launching myself into the air, I touched down in the clearing and slowed, only to shift to my human form.

“Let’s go!” Julius caught up to me and slapped my ass as we ran int the water and dove under.

We surfaced seconds from each other and swam in synch across the river with Flynn and Logan behind us.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, breathe, repeat.

My heart pumped hard in my chest and I had to keep repeating the cadence in my head to keep my hands slicing through the water. There was no time to slow down or think. Nolan needed me, and I needed him.

“Shit!” Logan yelled. “Cramp! I’ll catch up!”

You do that, buddy.

The other side of the river grew closer, and I went back to calling out my moves in my head.Stroke, stroke, stroke, breathe.

The water grew shallow, and I dropped my feet, running to the shore as I shifted back to my wolf, darting to the left and into the other part of the woods. I smelled the faint scent from the day before and felt Julius nip at my tail, letting me know he was there.

He caught up to my side, and we ran through, splitting, when a tree came between us. If I take over the pack, there is no question who my delta is. I barked, glancing back as the clearing where the cabin stood came into view.

Behind us, we heard barks and knew the other two made it. Without slowing, we sprang into the clearing and this time, no one stood outside.

The stench from her assault yesterday still permeated the ground. I heard Julius hack and my eyes watered, but I kept my nose down as I tried to find Nolan’s scent.

I padded up towards the stump I saw Brad sitting on yesterday.

The old woman. Check. Bradley. Check.

As I moved closer to the house, I picked up Elnora’s scent.

Elnora. Check.

Julius gave a quick bark, and I turned to run towards him, seeing Logan and Flynn running over to join us.

Simon. Check. Some stranger. Check.

A low growl rumbled from my chest.Where the hell is Nolan?

On the far side of the house, we found a large tote on its side, with an oxygen tank inside sitting beside cellar doors.

I could smell my mate back here, and when I leaned into the tote, it smelled like Nolan. We heard voices and a scream. No words, just a harrowing scream.

Shifting to our two legs, I whipped a door open as someone pushed the other open. Simon and I were face to face.

“You son of a bitch!” I reached out, grabbing his shirt, pulling him out of the cellar. “I could kill you!” I shoved him to the ground.

“You don’t have the balls!” He sneered, getting up, reaching into his pocket.

I held my arms up. “Bet.”

He pulled his hand out of his pocket, showing off his brass knuckles. “I was prepared this time.”

“That’s cute, junior.” I nodded at him. “I’m still gonna whip your ass.Again.”

Behind me, I heard yelling, and I knew the guys went inside the cellar to look for my mate.

Simon danced around in a circle. “He’s not yours.”

“That’s for him to decide.” I lunged closer, laughing when he almost tripped. “He’s not fucking property.”
