Page 23 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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I smile, but it’s cold, detached. I’m doing something really bad, and it’s me. I’m the one who’s going to have to put in the work. Maybe I really am a mafia princess, heartless. As cold as a Siberian storm.

“I think you should leave now.” I tell him softly, “I’m tired.”

“Okay,” he replies, giving me a kiss on the forehead. I close my eyes, wanting him to get off me. “Good night.”

“Good night.”

Leo walks out of the room and I close my eyes, not even bothering to remove my robe, put on clothes, or cover myself with blankets. I’m simply exhausted, and once my eyes close, I don’t have the energy to do anything else but let sleep take me under.

The bed suddenly dips beside me, rousing me from deep sleep. “Go away, Leo. I’m trying to sleep.”

A hard, warm body cuddles me from behind, draping an arm over me and pulling me in. “Not, Leo, princess.”

I stiffen, not expecting my new enemy to be in my bed so quickly after learning the news. Choosing to play him is one thing, I can set my own timeline for that, but him coming here unannounced? Absolutely not.

“Did you think this was more than a one-time thing?” I chuckle, forcing the sound from my throat. His fingers tighten around my toned abdomen. “You’re here for more already? That was fast.”

“We both know that’s not true,” Nikolai says softly, and I almost believe him. “And I just wanted to make sure he didn’t kill you.”

“Why do you care?” I try to look back at him, except he tightens his hold on me even more until I wince. God, that hurts. “You’re Bratva, right? We’re the people you despise. Why would you check on me?”

“IamBratva,” I try to pry his fingers off me, “And you’re not them. I don’t care if you’re Cosa Nostra or not. I never have, I never will.”

“And why’s that? I could have myPapàkill you in the blink of an eye.”

“But you won’t.” He says confidently, moving his lips to my ear. “You liked this cock way too much, didn’t you,solnyshko?”

I lick my lips, feeling my arousal between my bare thighs. Why does he affect me so much? Why is my body being a traitor and responding to him this way? I don’t want to feel like this, but goddamn. Not only is he hot, but he knows exactly what to say too.

“It’s just one morecock.”

“But there’s not another me, Camilla.” Nikolai flips me over to face him, moving me like a damn rag doll. “And it wasn’t just one more cock when I was fucking that tight ass earlier, right? I was the first one to do that.”

“Is that something to be proud of?” I raise my eyebrow, then realize he can’t even see it anyway.

“I’ll wear the badge of honor for fucking the Italian girl engaged to aDemoni.”

“Fuck you.” I spit, “Get out.”

“Did I hit a nerve,sweetheart?” He mocks Leo’s nickname for me. It makes me hot with rage, and I try to contain it, but my body shakes with it either way.

“Stronzo,” I mutter under my breath, “I want you to leave.”

“Call me an asshole again,” He takes my bottom lip into his mouth, biting on it sharply. “And I’ll draw your blood and lick it for fun.”

He always liked when I called him that. Me and mypotty mouth. “I just bet you will, you sick bastard.”

Nikolai gets up from the bed, “You look like you’re in one piece, so I have nothing more to do here.”

“There was nothing for you to do here in the first place.”

He walks out using my bedroom door like he owns the house and closes it quietly behind him, leaving me in the darkness again. Except I can’t find sleep now. I don’t know if I ever will again.

My lip is bleeding. I can taste it on my tongue, yet he didn’t lick it like he said he would. For some reason that makes me irritated. I look at the clock and it says six in the morning. Why is he here so late? Or early? I don’t even know anymore. The hangover that’s coming is going to be intense. All the shots I did and the coke I snorted are wearing off, and my body is beginning to feel very sluggish. Yet I know I won’t be able to sleep now.


I’m too pissed off for that.
