Page 24 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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I get out of bed in my robe, no shoes, not even a fuck to give, and open my door. The house is quiet, surely the product of everyone’s high and drunkenness, and I walk toward Annie’s door. The house is cluttered. In fact, it’s hard to see the floor. I wince, feeling awful that Carina has to clean all of this by herself. I’ll have to call a company for cleanup later.

The door is unlocked. For a moment, I think of last night. Are Ilya and Dmitri going to be in here with the little traitor? Or will she be alone?

Pushing the door open, I notice there’s no one here except for her, splayed out on the bed naked. I go to the windows and yank the curtains open, letting in the sun. Annie groans, covering her face with a pillow.

“Time to wake up.” I blow out a breath and decide to move on, willing my body temperature to go down. “Come on, Annie. I don’t have all day.”

She groans. “What do you want?”

“What’s up with Ilya?” I smirk, but she’s not even looking at me. She still has her face under the stupid pillow, and the urge to yank it off and throw it across the room is intense. What’s wrong with me? Oh, right. Just about everything.

“Who?” She pretends not to know with her little frown.

“Don’t play stupid. You were all cozy with him.”

“Yeah, we were cozy. He was between my legs and that was some good dick.”

“Oh, I just bet it was.” I roll my eyes, “I thought here you were still suffering over your last boyfriend.”

“Not anymore.” She throws the pillow to the floor.

“Whatever.” I huff, pacing in front of the bed as she sits up, her perky little tits bouncing in the process. “Don’t you think being with Ilya is something I should know about?”

“Nothing is up with him, Cam. He just seemed fun to fuck, okay? There’s nothing to it. As you can tell, he’s into guys.”

“He was into you too.”

“Of course he was.” Annie grins, “I’m, well, me.”

Annie has the decency to get up and go put clothes on. It’s about damn time too. “You’re so damn annoying, you know that?”

“Yeah.” She says with a laugh and a shrug. I sit on her bed, making sure there’s no cum stains anywhere. “How about you and Nik? You seemed to have made up, after all.”

I frown. “Nik is an asshole.”

She laughs, “That he is. What did he do?”

“You mean after he and Leo had a dick-measuring contest in my bathroom while I was naked in the tub?” Yeah, talk about awkward. Annie snorts at what I think is her imagining the scenario. It would be funny if it wasn’t my life. “He left me with Leo to get killed.”

Her frown is evident in the little wrinkle forming between her brows. “He did?”

“He came to check on me later though, so I guess he felt guilty. ‘I just wanted to make sure you’re alive’ is what he said to me.”

“Okay, he is an asshole.”

“That’s what I’m saying!” I sigh, “So much for forgiving each other.”

Annie and I get dressed, put makeup on, and head out to ballet. This is the time we spend together, and we’re supposed to be auditioning for The Swan Lake performance in a few weeks for the lead, so I guess we will see how much our friendship can withstand. Let’s just say it’s essential to both of us. We’ve been working on this for a long time, practicing day in and day out for this audition, sometimes even together. Maybe that’s the problem—or I don’t know if it’s a benefit—that we know precisely how the other dances. How the other works. I can memorize her movements and know them by heart.

We set our bags down and put on our pointe shoes, stretching and warming up at the barre before the ballet instructor shows up. I can’t focus during practice though, which is not helpful as I need to learn the routine. Instead, all I see is a dark and brooding man with silver eyes, and he’s haunting my days as well as my nights now.

How inconvenient.

15 Years Old

My belly hurts.

Every time my period shows up, my mother reminds me that I’m a woman, that I will bear Leo’s children one day. It only makes me want to go back to the past just so I don’t have to carry this burden. Because that’s what it is. The thought of having to be a breeding machine when I’m older makes me want to throw up. That is what’s expected of me. To have as many kids ashewants.
