Page 31 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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“So are you, princess.”

We both smirk at that. “You’re right…”

We finally make it to my car and she stops in her tracks. She looks a little stunned, like she’s never seen a sports car in her life. This one is on another level, I will admit, but still. I’m sure she remembers my last one.

The sun shines on the black glossy exterior, my matte black wheels a contrast that I love. Her mouth opens on a gasp, and she lets her hand trail the side of the McLaren. I want to slap it off, but then I remember who I’m dealing with. I’m supposed to charm her so I refrain.

“You want to take me to Chick-fil-A in this spaceship?” She asks with awe in her voice.

I laugh at that, “Yes, I do.”

“Alright, but just this once.”

I open the dihedral door for her, and she takes in the interior, black leather seats with red stitching, and gets in. I tuck her into the safety of my car as I close her door, then go around and get in too.

The accelerator is touchy on this, and you can’t have a heavy foot, or you’ll all of a sudden hit one hundred miles per hour, so I try my best to chill out and drive as slow as possible. She is precious cargo, after all.

I drive to Chick-fil-A, admiring how she sits with her back straight, no slouching, as she props her head on a dainty hand and looks out the window. There’s not much to see anyway, just trees and some restaurants on this side of town, but that’s why I come here. For the quiet.

We finally pull up to the drive-thru and I let her order first. She gets a deluxe sandwich with no pickles and water and a salad. I get the same, but with a chocolate shake. She looks at me like I’ve grown a second head but says nothing.

The first thing I do when they hand me the food is put my straw in the shake and take a glorious first sip, then go get a parking spot. Camilla looks around frantically like someone’s spying on us, as if anyone will see us on this side of town. It’s not the best part of town, which is precisely why I came here. Yeah, it sounds stupid to drive a McLaren Artura in a high-crime area, but everyone here knows me and leaves me alone.

“Want some?” I offer her some of my shake as I get the food out of the bag, pulling out some ranch for my sandwich and ketchup for my fries. I hand over her salad as well.

She shakes her head quickly, quicker than someone being offered a shake. “I can’t.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Why not?”

“I can’t eat a sandwich and drink that shake if I want to get the lead in the recital. I can’t afford the calories.”

“Camilla, you’re already small as fuck.”

“Not small enough.”

“What is this about? You can have a life once in a while. At least have one sip.”

Camilla’s eyes water and she looks away. “You wouldn’t understand. Have you ever wanted something so bad that you’d give up everything for it?”

Yes, actually.


“This isn’t the same, princess. It’s just a dance.”

“This dance meanseverythingto me. I want to be happy with this before it’s all taken away. Before I have to marry Leo.”

I stiffen at the mention of his name, anger coursing through my veins, remembering everything that went down between us. “Is this really that important to you?”

“Yes! I just said that!” She sighs, “Once I’m married to him I’ll be tied down in every way. I’ll never have a life of my own again or be able to go after what I want.Thisis what I want.”

I lean over the middle console and brush her hair away from her face once more. “Is that the only thing you want?”

I watch as her beautiful multicolored eyes dilate as she looks at me, then just as quickly she looks away. I’ve always been weak for pretty eyes, and she has the most gorgeous ones I’ve ever seen. I look at her lips then her eyes, and I know she knows I want to kiss her. Instead of giving in to my urges though, I grab a French fry, dip it in the shake and offer it to her. With wide eyes she shakes her head, and I hold up my index finger with my free hand to ask her to eat just one bite.

Camilla looks torn over a French fry, and it makes me sick that she feels the need to do this. She’s practically flawless with toned abs, legs, and ass. Perky pierced tits, the perfect handful. I want to rattle her, imagining everything she must do to keep in shape and lose even more weight.

“Yes,” she breathes. “That’s the only thing I want.” She closes her eyes and opens her mouth slightly for me. I put the chocolate shake dipped fry in her mouth and she bites it off gently, moaning when she chews it. With closed eyes, a tear escapes both eyes, and my fists clench. This is miserable for her. Why would she do this to herself? “Chocolate is my favorite,” She murmurs.
