Page 59 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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“And what’s that?”

“Well, for starters, the headboard.” I chuckle at that, remembering Camilla clawing at me to try to get me to stop. “And then you.”


“You forget my room is nearby. Now, she’ll never be able to deny she wants you.”

“Hold it over her head.” I smile, then descend the stairs.

“Oh, I will!”

I need to get my head right. The truth was never supposed to slip out of me, and yet here I told her everything. How I basically played her and wanted revenge, but now, even though I still do, I want her. It wasn’t a lie and that’s the problem.

Now I have to figure out what I’m going to do since I’ll never give up my plan to kill Leonardo. Not for her, not for anyone.

* * *

It’s been three hours since I left Camilla’s house just to walk into a different shit show. There’s a commotion at the house, and when I get closer, I realize it’s because there’s someone injured on the ground. No—dead.

I push people aside, meaningless college kids who are gawking at the scene while my guys huddle around the person. “Get the fuck out of my way,” I growl at the countless students around me. “Or I’m gonna make you.”

They immediately move, giving me the space I need to get through. When I finally get to where I need to be, I stop in my tracks and fall to the ground.



While he and I weren’t exactly close—not like Ilya and I—he was still a friend. I push my friends aside and crawl closer on my hands and knees, wincing when a shard of glass cuts my hand.

There’s a large puddle of blood on the ground and a small hole in Igor’s forehead. A bullet went through his brain, and I sure as fuck don’t want to turn him to see the actual damage. That’s why these kids are here, gawking. They want a taste of depravity.

“What happened?” I ask frantically, looking around to make sure no one’s taking videos. “Are the police on the way?”

“I’m assuming so,” Ilya whispers, tears on his face. He was closer to Igor than any of us. They were actually good friends. “I called an ambulance.”

“I’m sorry, Ilya,” I say somberly, and I mean it. Iamsorry this happened. “Whodid this shit?”

“You sure you wanna know?” Dmitri asks with an icy stare, making my spine immediately straighten.

“Whodid this, Dmitri?”

“Leonardo Colombo.”

Fuck. I do something alone once, fucking once, and someone dies. It’s almost as if he knew I’d go after Camilla. He knew, and he used her against me.

I can’t be weak anymore, and I have to do something about this. I told her I wanted her more than I wanted revenge, but that just changed in the blink of an eye. More like a bullet to the head. Whatever the reason, I’m going to kill him. One way or another.

I’m just also going to keep her.

Nodding my head, I get up and go inside the house, not sparing one glance back. If I’m going to do this, I need a clear head. I can’t just be trigger-happy and impulsive; no, I need to know where I’m going and what I’m doing. Igor’s death will not go unpunished.

An eye for an eye and all that.

A brother for a brother.

I know exactly who will be my target tonight. That’s the good thing about keeping a close eye on your enemies, and me? I’m a hawk when it comes to them. So, how did I not see this coming? Oh, yeah. Pussy blinded me.

Grabbing my Springfield XD .45, I make sure the magazine is loaded, not putting a round in the chamber yet, then put it in my back holster. I don’t bother to stay for my friends, or for the paramedics to pronounce him dead. We all know the outcome of this, there’s no denying it. That’s why they’re all so devastated. But me? I’m just thirsting for revenge. There will not be repercussions for this death since our house is on the school’s campus, except so is theirs. And he’s no one. This is an eye for an eye.
