Page 10 of Relentless

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“The fuck, Fratello?”

The words had barely left my mouth when his gaze shifted to Rico, who immediately shot out of his chair. Alec and I both shifted toward Rico because the look on Gabe’s face meant all hell was about to let loose.

“Keep your shit tight, do you hear me?” Gabe narrowed his eyes on our youngest brother.

The oxygen was sucked out of the room in an instant when he informed us River and Quin had been attacked at her store. Thankfully, they were both okay, but there was a package left which had freaked her out.

Four sets of boots sprinted across the warehouse which housed Quattro. I shouted to a few men who were still meandering around after the early morning training session to lock up, as we ran past and out the front door.

There wasn’t a sound to be heard in the SUV on the short drive into town, except the roar of the engine as Gabe careened down the streets at breakneck speed. My thoughts were torn between wondering what the actual fuck was going on to being grateful Emory was in class and hadn’t been involved.

The voluptuous beauty had wormed her way under my skin in a short period of time. Like a beautiful temptress, she’d cast a spell over me. One I never wanted to break free from.

Tires screeched around the last turn and by the number of flashing lights, it looked like the entirety of the Mountain Grove police force, as well as the fire department, had responded to the call. Rico was on the move before the vehicle came to a complete stop, practically shoving Kolton, who was blocking his path, out of the way. My brother was on a mission to get to his woman, regardless of who he had to knock down to get there.

“I’d apologize for him, Kolt, but my guess is he’ll do it himself later.”

“No need, Luc.” He extended his hand as I approached. “I’d have done the same damn thing if it were Daisy in there.”

Kolton Lane was an officer in the Mountain Grove police department, as well as Caleb’s brother-in-law, since he’d recently married the police chief’s sister. He was a damn good policeman and an even better friend.

Grasping his hand, I laughed. “Bullshit. You and I both know whoever got in your way would be sporting a shiner rather than getting nudged.”

He cocked his head and grinned.

“True story.”

Stepping aside, he motioned for me to join my brothers inside. The normal peaceful quiet when you walked into To A Tea had been replaced with utter chaos. A table was knocked over, crime scene techs were taking photos and dusting for fingerprints, all the while Rico sat with a trembling River curled into his arms. He eventually repositioned her so Daisy, who was an EMT, could finish bandaging a nasty cut on her forehead.

I stood with Alec and Gabe, who had strategically positioned themselves between the entrance and River, just as Caleb began questioning her and Quin. Neither one saw a thing, which made the job of finding this prick that much harder, but not impossible.

I couldn’t suppress the laugh when one of the other EMTs began to argue with Quin over why she should go to the hospital. I’d only met her a few times, but from what I’d seen, she was a spitfire and a half. I almost pitied the man who captured her attention.

“Can we focus here?” Caleb grumbled. “We can discuss Quin’s obstinance after we’re finished.”

“Uh…yeah. Quin’s got a hell of a headache and is leaving when we’re done.” She pointed a finger at herself.

“Jesus, you’re like a little volcano. Raining hellfire down on everyone who’s trying to help. Reel it in.” I scowled at her and wasn’t surprised when she flashed her very own mean-mug in return.

River went on to describe the package they’d found in the store. Apparently, her sadistic father had promised her to one of his sleazy followers, Thomas. Years ago, this guy had caught her mom teaching River how to read, and when he’d dragged her mom out of their home to have her punished, he’d also taken the lesson book. The very same lesson book that was inside of the package which had been left in her shop.

“Do you think this Thomas guy is the one who’s been pranking you?” Alec questioned.

Pranking?What the fuck?

“Someone’s been pranking you, River?”

He may have been speaking to his woman, but his glacial stare was solely focused on Alec.

“Oh shit,” Gabe and I uttered simultaneously; both of us taking a giant step backward to avoid any flying fists. Rico was normally the more levelheaded of the four of us, but right then, he looked murderous.

“It’s like an episode ofItalian Alphas Gone Wildin here.” Quin bounced in her seat like a kid at the circus.

“Christ. Don’t you have a filter?” I hitched my brow at the redhead.

“Nope,” she deadpanned.

Our commentary was all the distraction Rico needed because the next second, he swung. Well…he tried to at least, but Alec was a fast motherfucker and ended up spinning him around into a chokehold. Ignoring the two idiots as they grumbled and growled at each other, I turned to check on River. She was family now, which meant her well-being was a priority. Tears were streaming down her pale face and her shaking had returned with a gusto.
