Page 11 of Relentless

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“You good?”

She nodded in response, though it was a lie.

Watching the terror in her eyes, I was once again struck with a sense of relief that Emory hadn’t been anywhere near the danger. I was barely able to control my fury with the drunk asshole in the school parking lot. There’s zero possibility I would have been able to curb those protective instincts, which keep flaring to life whenever she’s near, had she been there. I was pretty sure my beauty didn’t even like me all that much, so I didn’t think she would have appreciated me spiriting her away to some remote cabin in the woods where I could keep her safe by my side. Because that’s exactly what my mind had already conjured up.

Never in my life had I felt such a strong, visceral reaction toward a woman. Sure, I’d had a few short-term relationships over the years. However, if my time in the service had taught me anything, it was not to become too emotionally attached. It wouldn’t have been fair to either of us when I’d have to leave them for unknown periods of time during deployment.

Obviously, I’d missed part of the conversation going on around me, because the next thing I knew, Alec was tugging Quin toward the front door. She was spitting mad and giving him a rash of shit the entire way.

“What the hell is going on?” My question was to no one in particular.

“Alec is taking Quin to the hospital and I’m taking you to pick up his car so you can meet him there,” Kolt responded.

“And no one thought to ask me if I was okay with this plan?”

“Dude. Did you seriously not witness the same scene the rest of us did?”

I had no clue what he was talking about, and I’m certain the look on my face conveyed that fact. Kolt kissed the top of Daisy’s head before he headed for the front door. I followed; grateful he didn’t make me wait too long before he started to explain.

“I could be wrong, but my guess is your brother has got it bad for Quinlan James.”

“No shit?”

“No shit.”

Well, now I wasn’t sure who to feel sorry for. Alec, because he’d chosen to get tangled up with a firecracker who’d give him hell at every turn. Or Quin, for having to deal with the broodiest of the bunch. One thing was for certain. It would be hella entertaining to watch.


QUIN: YO! WE’REhaving brunch and drinks after self-defense class.

Me: Why are you awake this early?

Quin: Don’t change the subject. Drinks Saturday.

Me: How do you know I don’t already have other plans?

Quin: Haha. You’re hysterical.

Me: Rude much?

Quin: The truth hurts, but it is not rude, Ems.

Me: Whatever. How’s your head?

Quin: Fine. Just like it was fine last week.

Me: You had a concussion!

Quin: No, I had a “possible concussion.” Do I need to show you and River the ER papers again? Jesus! You two are like mother hens. Well, go find some other chick to cluck around cuz I’m perfectly A-okay.

Me: Promise?

Quin: Yup

Ever since I’d gotten the call from River after the break-in at her shop last week, I’d been worried about them both. The store hadn’t reopened yet, but I’d been able to visit River at her house, then saw her again when she picked Fia up from school. She had Rico and his brothers to help her pick up the pieces.

Other than her parents, whom I’d never met, Quin wasn’t close with anyone else in town besides myself and River. Sure, she’d lived here her whole life and knew everyone, but she kept them all at a safe distance for some reason or another.
