Page 31 of Relentless

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“That’s it, babe.” He ground up into me, letting me feel the evidence of his arousal. “You’re so goddamn beautiful.”

“Oh God,” I groaned when his tongue traced a lazy path down my neck until he reached my collarbone. There, he sucked hard enough I knew he’d left a mark.

I was close, my entire being vibrated with need.

“Look at me, Bellezza.”

Lifting my head, I gazed into his eyes, which appeared much darker than their usual blue-gray.

“Come for me,” his gruff voice demanded as he pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, almost to the point of pain. My body obeyed immediately, flying over the edge of a thousand cliffs as pleasure ripped through me.

He hauled me against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around me until our breaths evened out. I began to squirm in his hold.

“Relax, Emory.”

“I can’t. I’m too heavy to be sitting on your lap.”

His hand landed a stinging slap to my ass. I pushed against his chest, embarrassment and anger dueling in my mind, but he wouldn’t relinquish his hold.

“Let me go,” I seethed.


The vehemence in his tone had the fight leaving my body. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, he wouldn’t physically harm me. Truth be told, the spanking hadn’t hurt. Did it startle me? Absolutely. I hadn’t been prepared for my words to elicit such a reaction since they never had in the past. But then again, Luc was unlike anyone I’d ever known.

He threaded his fingers through my hair at my nape, tugging lightly until we were face-to-face. Dipping close, he murmured against my skin, “You. Are. Perfect.” He punctuated each word with a brush of his lips across my forehead. “And it cuts me deep to hear you talk so negatively about yourself.”

“I’m sorry. Old habits die hard.”

“We’re gonna work on those. Together, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

I wasn’t sure how long we sat there, me on his lap with him stroking his hands up and down my back. It was the most relaxed I’d felt in years, the most at peace. Part of me was still very confused by the abrupt change in our relationship status, while a much bigger piece inside begged never to wake up from this dream.

All I’d ever wanted was to be seen. Wanted. Loved. Something I gave up on a long time ago. Before now, Gigi had been my sole cheerleader in life, but now I had River, Quin, and apparently Luciano del Toro.

He left a short time later after another soul-bending kiss at the door and a promise to call the next day. After changing into a new pair of pajamas, ones where the crotch wasn’t wet, I finished grading the tests, then climbed under my blankets. I’d barely closed my eyes when a text came through.

Luc: Dream of me, my beauty.

Me: Goodnight, Luc.


THE NEXT COUPLEdays were a rinse and repeat. I’d go to work, come home, Luc would stop by to hang out for a while, then he’d leave me at the door wanting more. The only difference was there were no more orgasms. I wasn’t sure what I’d done wrong, because Luc hadn’t pushed for anything more than a kiss. Not that kissing him wasn’t incredible—it was—but the sudden change left me confused, and honestly, a little disappointed.

Fridays were always my least favorite day to be a teacher. The kids were generally too hyped up about the weekend to concentrate on much of anything and by the time the last bell rang, I was over it.

Gathering my belongings, I stepped out of my classroom and strolled to the front office to wait for Jim, one of the school’s security officers, who walked me to my car. He arrived a few minutes later.

“Any plans this weekend, Ms. Daubson?” he asked as we walked down the long hallway leading to the back exit.

“My boyfriend is taking me out somewhere tomorrow, except he won’t give me any clues as to where.”

Before Luc kissed me stupid last night, he’d informed me he’d have to work late the next night and wouldn’t be able to come by. Then he asked if he could pick me up at noon on Saturday for our second official date. When I asked about our plans, he smiled and winked, but said nothing more.

I frowned at the memory
