Page 32 of Relentless

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“When my wife and I first started dating…” He opened the door, allowing me to pass through ahead of him. “I was constantly trying to surprise her.”

The closer we got to my car; I noticed it was listing to one side. At first, I’d thought it was the angle of our approach, but then I saw it. The front driver’s side tire was flat.

“Shit,” I exclaimed.

Thinking back to my early morning drive, I tried to remember if I’d hit a pothole or anything which would have caused a puncture. Though when Jim reached out and took my elbow, jerking me to a stop, those thoughts flew from my mind.

“Shirley, it’s Jim,” he spoke into his walkie-talkie to the school secretary. “Call Chief Matthews and have him send some officers. Ms. Daubson has two flat tires and I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

I must have blanked out for a few minutes because the next thing I knew, Jim was leading me back through the doors of the school. When we reached the main office, there was a flurry of activity. It was all too much for my fractured spirit to process.

Turning on my heel, I traversed the halls until I reached my classroom. As I stepped inside, I took a deep breath, waiting for the usual sense of serenity to overtake me, but it never came. I slumped down in the seat behind my desk, putting my head in my hands as the telltale signs of an impending migraine surfaced.

The back of my neck tightened and my temples began to throb. All too soon, the fluorescent lights in the room would be too much for my eyes to handle. I needed to go home, take my medication, then lie down in the dark for the next decade, or at least until the events of the day were far behind me.

How easily I’d dismissed Mr. Jacobs, thinking his threats had simply been the blustering of a sick man who was lashing out against the world. I knew better than most that men like him didn’t take well to being challenged, which was exactly what happened when we called CPS.

Heavy footsteps raced down the hall, coming to a stop at my classroom. I knew who it was before he spoke, almost like I could feel his presence.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Luc implored.

I lifted my head, my eyes barely able to focus between the pounding in my head and the brightness of the room. Stress was one of the biggest triggers for my migraines and right now I was well past frazzled.

He must have seen the grimace I tried to hide because he was at my side in a matter of seconds, his hand on my knee.

“What the fuck, babe? Caleb said you weren’t hurt.”

“Migraine,” I managed to whimper.

“Hold on to me.” He stood, lifting me in his arms bridal style. “I’m getting you the hell out of here.”

“I need answers, Luc.”

“You’ll get them. After you rest.”

I wanted to protest, even opened my mouth to try, but there was no arguing with six foot three inches of pissed-off male. Steam was practically coming out of his ears at one point, or that could have been an effect of my hazy vision. Whichever it was, I laid my head against his chest and listened to the ever-so-steady beat of his heart.

Chapter 7


THE SCENE ATthe middle school was a clusterfuck. I was in the middle of a training session when Gabe got the call from Caleb. He then insisted on driving me because I was too “unhinged.” Fortunately, the chief of police was my brother’s best friend, so not only was I able to convince Caleb to meet at Emory’s later that evening to take her statement, he also allowed Gabe to stay to watch the security video.

When we reached her apartment, fear was riding me hard. I wanted nothing more than to put her in a bubble where she’d be safe, but I knew I’d have a fight on my hands. Which was why I did the next best thing…I called in her girl squad for backup. Alec was on guard duty, so when River’s shop closed, he would bring both she and Quin to Emory’s side. Gabe agreed to grab Fia from the house and drop her off to Rico, who would remain at Quattro until closing time, before he joined the rest of us.

We had an hour before mass chaos would ensue, so the minute we stepped into her place, I nudged her toward her bedroom with strict orders to rest. The fact she hadn’t argued with me at all, even after I’d strong-armed my way into her work, showed me just how rattled she truly was. It took everything inside of me not to bust into her room, pull her into my arms, and assure her everything would be fine. But until I had all the facts, I refused to spill empty promises I wasn’t positive I could keep.

There was already a dark cloud looming above our very new relationship, one which was completely my fault and one I prayed every night we’d be able to overcome when the time was right. It was the reason I’d put on the brakes as far as intimacy went. Emory hadn’t been given many choices in her life, and I wasn’t about to take another one from her. Once she found out about her father and my role in taking him down, it would be her choice and hers alone, as to whether she would forgive me.

As the minutes ticked by, I practically wore a hole in her carpeted floor from pacing. Waiting had never been my strongest quality and it didn’t appear as if today would be any different.

Emory’s bedroom door opened at the same time the doorbell rang. I turned, taking in her pale complexion and stepped in her direction, but she stopped me with a look.

“I’m fine,” she said. “Go ahead and let them in.”

Reluctantly, I shifted course after watching her settle on the couch.

“Move aside, del Toro,” Quin blustered as she elbowed her way past me as soon as the door cracked open. River was right behind her with a smirk on her face.

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