Page 57 of Relentless

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“Apology accepted.” I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

Everyone grabbed a seat and settled around the table. All eyes were on Duncan as we waited patiently for him to begin.

“I received a call around midnight. One of our black ops locations in Kabul was bombed, killing eight U.S. soldiers and wounding countless others.”

The air was sucked out of the room with his revelation. I knew whatever had preempted his visit was bad, however the look he shot me meant I needed to brace. It was about to get really fucking bad.

“HQN is claiming credit for the attack.”

“Fuck,” Gabe, Alec, and Rico sounded off in quick succession.

I, on the other hand, couldn’t speak.

“The FBI wants to move on Senator Daubson immediately. In order to do that, we need to see what you found on his computer.”

“It’s not the senator,” I croaked, finally finding my voice.

“What the hell do you mean it isn’t him?”

“Give me a sec.”

Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out my phone. When I’d pulled Emory into the closet, I’d also hit record on the note app of my cell phone before shoving it in my pants. It was a little rough at first, but then the voices were clear as day.

“Holy shit. Is that Maxwell Daubson?” Duncan asked.

“Yup. And the other one is the senator’s chief of staff, Joel Peterson,” I responded.

“There’s more,” Rico piped in.

He went on to explain all he’d uncovered regarding Maxwell’s gambling habits. The part I hadn’t known until then, was the further he’d dug into Emory’s older brother, the more shit he’d turned up. It seemed not only was our boy up to his eyeballs in debt with a rather nasty loan shark in Vegas, he also had an affinity for hookers and blow.

“This complicates things. Give me five minutes.”

Duncan ran his fingers through his hair, then stood and left the room, undoubtedly to brief his superiors on the new intel. I didn’t envy him in the least. My experience with the feds was based solely on the few interactions Quattro had over the past year. Mainly with Special Agent Waverly Mitchell and now Duncan. Since Rico had worked for them, once upon a time, we were well aware how they operated. Without a doubt, he was having his ass chewed up and spit out.

“Luc?” he called from the hallway. “We’re still going to need to go over what you got off the senator’s computer.”

“Looks like we are going to be here for a while, boys,” Gabe grumbled. “Better let the girls know.”

Me: We’re going to be later than I thought. Are you doing okay?

Emory: The girls are here. Alcohol is involved. Take your time.

Me: Do me a favor? Drink some water. I need to fuck you later.

Emory: Luc…

Me: You seemed to enjoy it when I smacked your ass last night. What are your thoughts on bondage?

Emory: Fuck!

Me: Is that a yes?

Emory: You need to stop right now, mister.

Me: Why? Are you wet?

Emory: Goodbye, Luc.
