Page 60 of Relentless

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That was the wrong thing to say apparently. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade. Opening it, he pointed it in my direction and took a step. Quin was ready for him though. She raised the bat, which I kept against the kitchen wall for emergencies, above her head and swung it down with all her might. I heard a sickening crack when it came into contact with his wrist. The knife flew from his hand, both River and I scrambling to get it, as Quin lost her freaking mind.

“Little girl?” she shrieked at Mr. Jacobs, who was now thrashing on the floor holding his arm. “Not so little now, huh?”

She swung a second time, hitting him in the leg when he tried to get off the ground.

“Stay down, you son of a bitch, or I’ll hit you again. How dare you come in here and threaten my best friend.”

“Uh, Quin?”

Her head turned toward me, her red hair flying around her flushed face.

“You’re kinda scaring me a little bit.” I winked. “Could you maybe tone it down a smidge?”

“Bodies and shovels, Ems.” She smiled.

“Bodies and shovels,” I replied.

“I called 911 in case anyone cares.” River joined us.

“I think I need an ambulance,” Mr. Jacobs cried out.

“You’re lucky you’re still breathing, dipshit.” Quin poked him with the bat again for good measure.

Chapter 12


WE RACED AROUNDthe corner, tires squealing, expecting to see utter chaos. What we actually saw was, in fact, the exact opposite. Yes, there were several Mountain Grove police cars idling at the curb, lights flashing. However, the officers weren’t rushing toward her apartment with guns drawn. Instead, they were gathered on the sidewalk, laughing their asses off as a bat-wielding Quin, along with River and Emory, reenacted what can only be described as a beatdown.

“What in the actual fuck is going on here?” Alec asked from the passenger’s seat of my car.

“I have no idea, but I’m going to find out.”

After quickly parking the car, I jogged to Caleb, who was casually leaning against the side of the building. I didn’t bother waiting for my brothers, considering Gabe and Rico drove separately and I’d left them in the dust a few miles back.

“What the hell, Caleb?”

“Luc,” he chuckled. “If I wasn’t terrified of her, I’d offer her a job.”

“Who?” Alec demanded.


“Let’s cut the shit,” I said. “What happened? Where’s Martin Jacobs?”

He proceeded to tell us how the drunken man had forced his way into the apartment and threatened the girls. They took matters into their own hands and when push came to shove, Quin unleashed holy hell on the man.

“He may need surgery to repair his wrist.” Caleb grinned.

I looked over at the girls. They were laughing and carrying on as if they hadn’t gone up against a man with a knife less than thirty minutes ago. Then I noticed something else. My beauty wasn’t dressed to be out in the cold and she wasn’t wearing a bra. I saw a younger officer, barely old enough to drink, staring at her chest and my feet were on the move before my brain had a chance to catch up.

“Yo!” I yelled as I spun her around, pulling her into me. “Eyes off her tits, fuckwad.”

“Luc!” she exclaimed, trying to push away. “What’s gotten into you?”

Quietly, I whispered in her ear, “Babe, I can see your nipples through your shirt.”

“Shit,” she hissed.
