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My voice trails off when I’m hit with the painful reality of our situation.

„Even if?” he probes.

„Even if…things have to end.”

„They don’t have to,” he says before he reaches over to place his hand on top of mine. „I really care for you. And I admire your ambitions.”

„My ambitions?”

„Yes. You mentioned you’re pursuing an academic career?” he says.

„Um, well, yes…I mean, obviously,” I tell him.

He looks confused. „Obviously? There are many things you could do with the things we teach. It’s not obvious to me that a mathematician as good as you would automatically stay in research all their life.”

„I-I mean…it’s just. It makes sense, right?” I utter.

„Does it?” he asks. „There’s a lot of things you could do with that skill set outside of academia. And you would definitely earn more money.”

„I…never really thought about it that way,” I say, unsure what to make of his words. „It just comes easy to me.”

„So, it’s not your passion?” he asks.

I look at him, still processing the question.

„Passion,” I repeat. „I don’t know if I would call it that.”

His eyebrows arch in surprise. „I definitely would. I wouldn’t be doing this job if I didn’t dream of numbers.”

„You dream of numbers?” I ask, giggling.

He laughs, and rubs the back of his head, with the most endearing smile on his face. „I do, yes. They’re beautiful to me—just like you.”

I never know where to look, when he says things like that, or when he looks at me, the way he does now. He lifts his hand and caresses the side of my face, while a warm and fuzzy feeling washes over me like a welcome embrace.

„Let’s eat,” he suggests. „I’m starving.”

I smile at him. „I could make us some scrambled eggs, if you have any. It’s kind of my specialty.”

He reciprocates my smile and gets up from his chair and then he places a kiss on my forehead. „That sounds wonderful.”

Chapter 30


The soft glow of the office lights casts a calm atmosphere as I sink into the plush chair behind my desk. Claire just left, leaving a hint of her alluring scent in the air.

The thrill of our secret connection lingers after she jumped at me for another illicit kiss. Despite everything she said, it’s obvious that she likes to play with fire a lot more than me. But it’s hard not to be endeared. Nevertheless, she’s my student, and discretion is key. My gaze flickers to the framed degrees on the wall, a stark reminder of the expectations hanging over me.

I just wish this job would actually leave me more time for research and put less focus on bureaucracy and pointless meetings that I’m expected to attend. The administrative side of this job has always been a thorn in my side, but lately, I’m even more annoyed by it than usual.

As I sift through some papers, a gentle rap on my office door startles me. Instinctively, I assume it’s Claire, maybe having left something behind. A smirk plays on my lips at the thought—but it fades in an instant when I swing the door open.

Instead of Claire, my eyes meet the intense gaze of my sister, Mariah. Her brows are furrowed, and I sense the simmering anger beneath her composed exterior. Green eyes, so much like mine, accuse me.

„There you are!” she declares, her voice carrying a stern undertone that reverberates in the confined space of my office.

I hesitate for a moment, scrambling to find a suitable excuse or diversion. I’ve been avoiding her calls for days because I know what she wants from me, and there’s nothing else I have to say other than „No”. But I should have known that it wouldn’t work. Now, the consequence of my avoidant behavior is standing in front of me, embodied by my infuriated sister.
