Page 18 of Rival Hearts

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Once we getBea settled into her hotel, we head out to my favorite new local place—a taco and tequila bar—and settle into a booth. My best friend and fellow PR expert, Beatrix Xavier—Bea for short—has just returned from trying to hunt down a new place for us to start our new business. We want to offer a one-stop resort where celebrities and athletes could escape from the grind and get away while also having PR staff to help them work through any problems. It’d primarily be for clients in a PR crisis. A way to put a pause on their problems and get the mental rest they need while still formulating a plan for how to fix things.

Bea and I had a place all picked out in Colorado, a few towns over on the other side of the mountain from where my parents have a house. It was gorgeous and the acreage was perfect. But it had quickly turned into a nightmare when one ofthe owners kept hiking the price, and talks with the locals revealed the well on the property was regularly going dry in the summers and the last two forest fires had gotten dangerously close to town. We needed investors to help fund the property and both of them had turned down going any further when they heard the news.

Instead, we set our sights on somewhere closer to the east coast. It’d give us access to a lot more teams and there were plenty of gorgeous places all up and down the Appalachian Mountains.

“So… how did the hunt go?”

“It went okay. I found a place or two, but the real estate agent said that the properties are moving fast right now. That we have to be able to act pretty quickly if we want to get one. And they mostly want cash buyers because of that.”


“Yep. The properties were beautiful though. I definitely think the plan could work once you’re done with your contract here.”

“Still a long way to go before that’s over. The season hasn’t even started yet.”

“Maybe they’ll let you go early for good behavior?” She muses.

“On his part or mine?”


“Somehow I doubt that.”

“Has he been difficult?”

“Yes. Well, no not really. He’s been agreeable, but he’s also being a pain in my ass at the same time.”

“How so?”

“Well, for starters he sent me a dozen bouquets in honor of your brother getting married.” I blush slightly when I admit it to her. I’ve always felt a little odd about having a crush on Xander since Bea and I got close, but she’ll find outabout the stunt one way or another, and I’d rather her hear it from me.

Bea laughs but her brows knit together. “How does that work?”

“Mourning flowers and a condolence card for my loss. Oh! And he sent a dozen pints of ice cream.”

“Ohhh…” Bea laughs harder, and her brown eyes dance with amusement. “I mean, that’s kind of clever honestly.”

“You would take his side.”

“I think even Xander would find that funny.”

“Don’t you dare tell him! It’s so embarrassing. I didn’t even want to tell you, but I’m so irritated. Wren said the same thing.”

“That it was clever?”

“Well, that and she thinks he’s still got a thing for me.”

“He got you literally hundreds of flowers and ice cream. He has a thing for you.” Bea gives me a deadpan look, and I shift slightly under her gaze.

“Well, he had his chance. Years ago, and he didn’t just blow it. He destroyed it. Obliterated it. So I don’t know why he’s bothering, other than he wants to start a fight. Or undermine me. Maybe he thinks if I develop another schoolgirl crush on him, he can have his way.”

“I mean, as far as he’s concerned, you’re in a relationship, right? So he should keep his distance.”

“He knew I liked your brother and didn’t keep his distance.”

“Well. That is unfortunate. I wouldn’t have minded having you for a sister.”

“Right? It would have worked out so perfectly. So you see now why we have to hate him.”
