Page 19 of Rival Hearts

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Bea shakes her head and laughs.

“All right. I’ll try to hate him while making the public love him. This is already starting out complicated.”

“Which is why I’ve called in special ops.” I grin at her.

“Well, reporting for duty.”

“Thank you. Truly. I appreciate you coming here.”

“I’m happy to help, and I’m honestly kind of excited. It’ll be a fun challenge while we get things figured out.”

“Yes. Fun. That’s the word.”

I wasn’t sure what to call this. A challenge doesn’t quite cover the nuance of the craggy mountain of potential problems we have on our hands. But maybe a little less daunting now that I had my best friend at my side.



“Did you look over the list?”I tap the stylus against the tablet I have in my hand as I sit on one of the barstools at his kitchen island.

“Can I get you a drink?”

“Not this early in the day.”

“I meant like a lemonade or Coke or something.” He gives me a look like I’m too highly strung, and frankly, I probably am. I probably need the drink.

“A lemonade.”

“Mint lemonade okay?”

It’s my turn to raise my eyebrow.

“It’s a new thing I’ve been into. It’s good. You might like it if you try it…” He pulls out a glass without waiting for confirmation and pours two of them, scooting one across the counter to me.

“The list?” I ask before I take a sip. And he’s right, it is good. Oddly refreshing, and I might have to make some to keep in the cottage. Not that I’ll be asking him for recipes.

“It’s good, right?”


He smirks and has some himself before he finally answers me.

“Yes, I looked at the list. Some of it didn’t make sense to me, but I assume it will.”

“Do you have any questions? Objections?”

“No. If that’s what you think needs to be done, I trust you.”

I eye him carefully. I have a hard time believing he really wants to play nice on this, so I decide to push some boundaries from the start.

“So you’re willing to go out to dinner with someone I set you up with this week?”

His brows knit together, but he shrugs before he sets his glass alongside the sink.

“If I must.”

“Somewhere nice. Pull out her chair. Charm her. Buy an expensive bottle of wine.”
