Page 24 of Rival Hearts

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“What?” I risk a glance at her as I turn to pull into the real estate office parking lot.

“She knows we’re meddling of course, but no one wants to feel like a pawn. I told her that you thought she was beautiful, and you were interested in getting to know her better.”

I put the car in park and finally turn to give Madison a look.

“Let me see.”

“You don’t trust me now?”

“I just want to know what content you liked of hers.”

She hands me her phone, the one she uses for my content, and helps me navigate to her profile picture.

“So I’m liking her drinking wine with her girlfriends and her in a bikini by the pool?”

“The photo of her drinking wine is her at her book club, and the bikini by the pool is her on vacation, but in the caption, she talks about all the money they raised for the local no-kill shelter and the number of animals that they’re giving a second chance.”

“That’s not why she’s going to think I liked it.”

“Well no, but you’ll surprise her with your hidden depths on the date. Also… like you wouldn’t have liked the bikini photo?”

“She’s… fine. I guess. Not really my thing.”

“Because she’s your own age?”

“No.” I don’t know how to tell Madison that I compare everyone to her, and no one, I meanno one, comes remotely close.

“Mhmm.” She shakes her head at me, undoing her seatbelt and gathering her purse. “That seemed to be your type. Young and… well I don’t want to insult women. For all I know they were wildly intelligent.”

“I don’t date seriously, so it doesn’t really matter if they’re my type or if they’re intelligent.”

“Isn’t that lonely?”


I look up and the real estate agent is already standing outside, patiently looking at my truck, so I don’t have the chance to elaborate further. I hand the phone back to Madison and get out of the truck.

“Quentin?” The real estate agent grins, holding her hand out.

“That’s me.”

“So excited to meet you. I’ve heard lots of great things fromyour uncle, and I’ve got some great properties lined up that I think you’ll like.”

“Looking forward to it.”

Madison has rounded the truck and is standing at my side. The real estate agent is clearly surprised by her presence but recovers quickly and extends her hand.

“Are you the wife? I’m sorry his uncle didn’t mention you! I feel so rude.”

“Oh no. Not the wife just the—”

“Friend.” I cut her off before she can say who she really is. I don’t want the awkwardness of bringing my PR person along with me to look at houses. “Maybe wife someday if I can find the right house and ring.” I flash a grin at the real estate agent, but I can feel Madison’s surprised glare boring into the side of my head.

“Oh, how sweet. Well, my car is this way if you want to ride with me. Or would you rather follow?”

“We can follow you,” Madison answers for me this time.

“Okay perfect. Here’s the first couple of listings if you want to look over them in the car on the way over.” She hands them to Madison, and we both nod before we get back in the truck.
