Page 23 of Rival Hearts

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“Fine. I just need someone’s opinion. Someone who knows me.”

“This is why you need a girlfriend.”

“Yes, well… In the meantime, I have you.” I grin at her. “Besides aren’t you looking for somewhere to live yourself? Can’t imagine that cottage is all that comfortable.”

“I actually like it. I don’t know about long term. Might have to start looking but not for a house. If anything, an apartment, but I hate to sign a lease and then have to pay to get out of it.”

“Planning on cutting out early?” I feel my gut turn a little at the thought of her disappearing when we’ve barely gotten started.

“No, but we have an uphill battle. If they don’t think you’re coming around fast enough, I imagine I’ll get fired pretty unceremoniously.”

“Did they tell you that?” I frown.

“No, of course not.”

“Well… we’ll just have to convince them things are working.”

“I think that’s kind of up to public perception. So far it hasn’t changed much.”

“We’ve barely started.”

“We need to hurry our pace. That’s why I agreed to come today. Figured I’d get some candid shots of you house hunting that you can post to your stories on socials. Let people know you’re trying to make a home here.”

“All right. What else?”

“Probably make some more social content. I'm figuring we can pick up some local food favorites and take photos. Maybe have a picnic at a local park. Some views from your place—you do have a nice view of the city.”

“Advertise where I live so people can come and kill me for being a traitor from their most hated team.”

“I mean… they’ll figure it out pretty quickly anyway with you living in the city like that. They’ll see you coming and going enough. If you wanted it to be a secret lair, you should have picked something outside the city.”

“Which is what we’re going to look at today.”

“Retreating already?” I see her smirk out of the corner of my eye.

“No. Just trying to make sure there is a retreat if I need it.”

“I suppose that’s smart. Some ancient haunted mansion on a hill to keep them all away?”

“Funny. It’s the real estate agent my uncle used. His house is nice, so hopefully, she comes through for me too. I didn’t give her a lot of direction yet. She said she had some ideas in mind for me and would show me around. So we’re meeting her at the real estate office.”

“All right. Oh! And Bea found someone to set you up with. Do you have time tomorrow night?”


“The faster, the better.”

“Is this just a blind date, or do I get to know anything about her?”

“She runs a couple of local charities, sits on a few boards in the city. She’s about your age. She’s pretty—looks like she might fit your type other than being a little bit older than you normally go for. I think it’s a pretty good match.”

“She knows it’s just a setup, though, right?”

“She knows we’re your PR team, yes.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

“I might have fibbed a little. We found her on socials, and I might have liked some of her content with your profile.”
