Page 59 of Rival Hearts

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“So he just doesn’t care that you have a boyfriend. Thinks he can work his way in anyway.”

“Oh, I know you’re not judging someone else for that,” she admonishes.

“That’s different.”

She shakes her head, and I can tell I’m about to get business Madison instead of my Madness—another thing that’s grating on my nerves today.

“You need to take a breath.”

“I’ll take a breath when he stops touching you. I’m tempted to say something.”

“You are absolutely not saying anything. It’ll make it awkward. He hasn’t done or said anything inappropriate.”

“A guy can fucking tell when another guy is trying to goafter his girl, Madison. It’s obvious as fuck, and I don’t like this where I just have to sit here and watch it happen.”

“Because you’re so worried for A.J.?” She makes a sarcastic comment and it pricks.


“And you know you have no business telling me what to do. These might be friends of mine, but this is work. We’re at work right now. Joss is doing this as a professional courtesy. Her name will help your brand. Part of the reason you got this sponsorship deal was because I told them who would do the photographs. You make things all awkward and uncomfortable out there for what’s going to look like no good reason? You’re going to embarrass both of us.”

“I don’t need pity handouts from your friends.”

“Actually, you do. You need any and every kind of help you can get right now to help you win over the fans and have them see you as a household name. This brand deal helps you in more ways than one. It’s good for your image—makes you look like you fit in with Colt and the rest of the golden boys who play ball in this league.”

I feel the sting of that. I didn’t go to an Ivy League or come from money. I don’t have a championship ring. My reputation in the league has left me as a gruff, wrong-side-of-the-tracks unrefined underdog—lucky number thirteen as they always like to say. A reminder that I don’t fit in with the rest of them. That I don’t fit with her.

“Makes me look like something I’m not, you mean. Pretending and faking to try to sell them something that isn’t real. The same way you are with A.J.”

Her head tilts back, and she studies me for a moment.

“What has gotten into you today?”

“I told you. I don’t like seeing him all over you.”

“He hasn’t touched me.”

“He had his hands all over you the second we walked in.Grabbing you and spinning you around like you’re in some sort of trailer for a Hallmark movie.”

“Are you hearing yourself? He’s my friend. He was excited to see me.”

“He shouldn’t be touching you.”

“You don’t decide who touches me or doesn’t touch me. I don’t belong to you.”

“You’ve made that very clear.”

“I knew this would happen.” Her lips flatten and she shakes her head.

I start to say something but there’s a throat-clearing noise and the rap of knuckles on the door.

“Come in,” Madison says, taking a step back and putting distance between us again.

Joss opens the door and steps inside a moment later, her eyes shifting between us and narrowing as she looks us both over.

“You almost ready? Everything okay?”

“Yep. Just trying to figure out what to wear. Madison was just making sure I’m staying in line.” I put on a fake smile, but I can feel Madison’s eyes on me.
