Page 81 of Rival Hearts

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“The only opinions that matter are yours and Cooper’s.”

“And yours.” She looks at me, a question in her eyes, searching to see if I’m judging her or not.

“I told you my opinion, and it’ll always be the same. If it’s right for you, if you’re happy—I’m right here to support you.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.”

“I’m also here for juicy details whenever you’re up to share them. We can get some wine and some of those good chocolates from Graeter’s.”

“Quentin converted you with all those ice cream pints, huh?” She laughs.

“Yes. I think I might be a Graeter’s girl now. Which might be part of the reason I’m not ready to leave this city.”

“I think the bigger reason is out on the field though. It’s okay to admit that. That you’re in love, you know. As long as I’ve known you, you’ve been so focused on your career. Taking care of other people’s lives and making sure they’re happy. It’d be nice to see you happy for a change.”

“I mean… that one Scottish guy I dated made me happy for a while.”

“The way Quentin does?”

“No.” I grin brightly and laugh.

“So no resort then,” she says with conviction.

“Well, wait. I don’t think we have to say no resort. Maybe just no resort in Virginia. I know there are a couple places in Eastern Ohio that are gorgeous. In the foothills. Or maybe we get a big farm with therapy animals. We just have to rethink it, you know?”

“Or we could just start a PR firm of our own. We’d have a few clients already. The city has a football team, a hockey team, a soccer team, and a baseball team… that’s not counting the colleges or people who compete nationally.”

“Yes, Quentin has a cousin who fences.”

“And there’s how many big cities within a couple hours of here? Not to mention, nothing says we have to be geographically limited. Once we’re established, we could travel and represent clients all over.”

“I like the way you think.”

“Me too.”

“But it’s what you want? I want this to be something we’re both agreed on. I don’t want you to just do it for me. You’re always so kind, Bea. You always put everyone else before yourself, and I don’t want you to do that here.”

“I’m not ready to admit it to anyone but you, but I don’t think I was ready to leave this city either.” She stares out at the field as the players start to come back into the stadium, and I see her eyes trail after Rawlings.

“Gotta say though. If your brother hated Rob, I hate to hear what he has to say about Cooper.”

“I honestly think Cooper might be the nicer brother.”

“Well, he was kind to Quentin when he got here. I think he was the only one who was willing to reach out to him at first. So I can see that.”

“So this week. We come up with a name and a plan?”

“As soon as we put in our notice.”

“Good point. I didn’t see any noncompete in the contract, did you?”

“No. I specifically asked when they brought me on since I was still working with some of the other Blaze players in addition to A.J.”

“Good. To us.” She holds up her plastic glass, and I hold up mine.

“To us.” We clink plastic together and take a long drink. And while it might not be the fanciest cup or the best drink I’ve ever had, it tastes like it might be the sweetest.

