Page 82 of Rival Hearts

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“Where’s Madison?”I frown when I don’t see her after we get out of the presser.

“She’s still up in the box. After the news came out, she had a billion more calls, and she already had a lot of sponsors after the first half of that game you played.”

“Second half wasn’t bad either.” Easton grins.

“Yes well, I’m sure she’s positively buried now.” Wren looks at me. “You could go up and rescue her.”

“Okay. But what news?”

“You don’t know?”

“No. The game and then the presser…” I wave a hand in the general direction of the conference room.

Wren looks around almost conspiratorially, noting who’s in the room with us and then looks back at me.

“It’s A.J. He’s back with his ex-wife. Someonegot photos of them together and the media circus has ensued. Madison’s been trying to help put out some of the fires and deal with her dad. Bea’s helping but…”

I don’t need to hear another word. I take off like I didn’t just play the hell out of a game, jogging toward her in the box. Because I can only imagine that she’s going to be overwhelmed with everything right now, and I want to be there for her.

When I get to the box, Bea is just leaving. I motion to the door silently asking the question about whether Madison’s still inside.

“She’s on a call, but she’s still in there.”

“She okay?”

“Yeah. I think things will be fine. She told Kenneth that they broke up a while ago, she just didn’t want it to cause friction during the first part of their season. He calmed down after that. You have a lot of new fans. You should be proud.”

“I am, but I’m worried about my girl.”

“Your girl, eh?” Bea smiles at me.

“If I get any say in it.”

“I think you do.” Bea gives me a knowing smile, and I look at her with a question. “She’ll tell you.”

When I open the door, Madison’s winding up the call she’s on. Nodding and smiling along as she answers the last of the questions and stares out the glass to the stadium that’s nearly empty now. Mostly just workers cleaning up what’s left of the mess behind and people on the field cleaning up the gear and equipment.

“Okay. Thank you. Yes. I’m sure he’ll be excited to hear that offer.” She turns around and when she sees me she lights up. “Talk soon. Thank you. Good night.”

She puts the phone back in her purse and grins at me. “You are the man of the hour. You should be out celebrating. Not up here.”

“Oh, I’m celebrating. Wren told me you and A.J. are done.”

“Yes. Good god, people online are nasty. I’m a home wrecker who’s been thrown in the trash for good. Did you know that?”

“Hadn’t heard that one yet. But fuck them.” I grin as I pick her up to kiss her.

She wraps her legs around me and kisses me like I’ve just won the whole damn thing. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Me? You did all this. All your magic made them think I was worth giving a shot.”

“I helped. But you did the work. And the way you played today. Quentin…” She shakes her head in disbelief. “You do that every week and—”

I cut her off with another kiss. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It was a good game. It was a good day. My girl is free of her fake relationship. I’m fucking happy as hell.”

“Me too. But there’s something else I need to tell you.”
