Page 25 of Devoured By Demons

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The ground is uneven, and with bare feet I feel every jagged stone and every fallen branch, but I refuse to stop. Allie runs, zigzagging through the trees a few feet ahead of me. Thewaves of her blonde hair disappear behind the trunks of old trees.

Another gunshot has me ducking for cover and scrambling to catch my footing again. The trees thin as we approach the river and I scan the darkening forest. Thick, prickly shrubs line the rocky riverbank. In the distance, a footbridge crosses over the frigid river. If we can make it to the other side where the dense forest continues up the mountain, there’ll be better places to hide.

“Allie,” I whisper-shout when I realize I’ve lost sight of her.

A breaking branch up ahead has me following the sound, and I find her squatting behind a large, wide tree stump hidden by a leafy bush. I join her, kneeling and panting at the foot of a tall spruce.

“Over there!”It’s Diego.“Isadora!” he bellows into the fading light.

“There’s nowhere to run,” another, familiar voice taunts.That’s Raul.

Rustling leaves catch our attention and Allie takes off, heading straight for the river. There’s no way she’ll make it across, unless…

Distract them.

Slowly, I stand, Mathias’ gun tight in my hand. Still hidden by the tree stump, I call my brother’s name. “Diego.”

He doesn’t reply, instead, Raul appears through the trees, a dark, ominous shadow. A death bringer unlike any other. Raul is brutality personified. He has no care for human life and never has. A sly, sinister smirk tugs at the corner of his lips, and when I raise the gun and aim it at his head, that smirk turns into a full-blown smile that sends fear into the marrow of my bones.

“I’ll do it,” I say with determination. “Jus—just let me leave. Father hates me, he won’t care if I’m gone. Ple—please let me go.”

Behind me, a gunshot cracks the darkness, and a scream of agony is followed by a loud splash.No, no, no. Not Allie.The involuntary flick of my head to look over my shoulder is all it takes for strong, unforgiving arms to wrap around my smaller frame.

I’m thrown into the dirt as his heavy body blankets mine.

The instant my wrists are bound with thick rope, and a piece of fabric is tied around my head to gag me, I realize I was never going to escape. Of course my father prepared his men for this exact scenario. God, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d been tracking me from the moment I left the mansion.

Raul’s rough hands dig into the back of my pants, tugging them down forcefully as he grinds into my ass.

NO! No, no, no.This can’t be happening. I writhe and kick and scream into the dirt in a desperate attempt to escape.

Raul laughs. “Gonna fuck this ass ‘till you bleed. You like the sound of that, sweetIsadora?” He shifts and attempts to spread my legs. “Make me fuckin’ chase you through the forest, I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.” Raul grunts as he forces the full weight of his hard body onto mine.

“No!” I scream into the gag until my throat is raw.

His weight bears down on me, one hand holds my head, pressing my face into the ground. His knee parts my legs as I continue my weak attempts to fight back. The second the heat of his naked flesh touches my bare backside, I inhale through my nostrils and fight with everything I have.

Excruciating pain tears through my entire body as his hard length breaches me, and I wail. Dirt fills my nose, and my trapped hands and bound wrists strain as I flail and shiftbeneath him, attempting to clamp my legs shut to stop his entry into my unwilling body.

“That’s it,” he grunts. “Gonna tear this tight ass up.”

The more I struggle, the harder Raul’s thrusts become. When the agonizing pain turns to a deep, aching throb and I begin to lose my grip on reality, I reluctantly allow my body to slump into the unforgiving ground.

I close my eyes and beg my mind to take me back to a time where happiness wasn’t out of reach. A sob lodges in my throat when the realization hits that it wasalwaysout of reach.


My mind drifts in and out of consciousness. Something heavy falls over my back and the weight smothers me. A whoosh of air leaves my lungs with a harsh exhale through my nose.


Warm, thick liquid spills over my face. The scent of blood surrounds me.


I jerk back into consciousness and reality slams into me. I scream, but it’s muffled, and I begin to panic before I remember the gag. I attempt another scream, but I’m met with my own silence.

A pair of black boots stop in front of my face. There’s a grunt followed by the suffocating weight being lifted off my body. Before I can take my next breath, I hear my brother’s voice, “Don’t move, okay? Just… stay there and don’t make a sound.”
