Page 2 of Brutal Secrets

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My eyes widen. Is he serious?

We recently discovered Thalia had a sister she knew nothing about. Sky. Sky is married to an Irish Mafia don we know as Bren.

Lucas nods to himself, before going on to explain. “We reach out to Bren O’Connell and ask for their families’ assistance.”

“Assistance in what? I can fucking kill the bitch,” I seethe.

Lucas shakes his head.

“Her husband was a senator, Jace. We can’t just bump off spouses of senators without repercussions. Besides, how are we even going to get close enough to do it?”

I scoff at his words but stop myself from going further when the office door opens and Cole walks in looking freshly showered and practically bouncing happily with each step.

The door clicks shut, and his eyes dart from mine to Lucas’s, his face falling with realization. He exhales heavily. “What did I miss?”

“We’re about to go to war, brother.” I smirk back at him.


I glance around the club again. I’m impressed with the layout; it’s been well thought out with a classy vibe, not in the least bit sleazy like I expected, and the dancers don’t look strung out, so that’s a bonus for the paying customers. I take another swig of my beer. It feels like we’ve been here all night, when all I really want to do is be home with Tia and our girls.

Jace nudges me with his elbow, and when I turn my attention toward him, he nods at a guy with a toothpick hanging from his mouth. He’s leaning against the wall, staring aimlessly into space, as though completely bored of the situation.

His hair is messy, and he wears a leather jacket and unlaced combat boots. As if sensing my gaze, his sharp blue eyes snap toward mine. A shudder washes over me, as though just from his stare alone I can see into his soul. He has a sinister edge to him, that’s for sure, into some fucked-up shit, yet he keeps it all tampered down.

I tilt my head to the side, surveying him as much as he is me. He reminds me of my brother before he found peace with his past. When he was Rage and not the Jace he is now. But I see the rage creeping back in. The anxiety to keep our familysafe has him on edge, but I’m not prepared to let him give into his demon. So, here we are in a club owned by the O’Connell brothers. The Irish Mafia.

The guy I’m aware of is Finn O’Connell, one of Bren’s younger brothers. He pushes off the wall and strides toward us with determination. His confident demeanor is impressive, considering he’s about to sit down at a table with three equally deadly guys.

He spins a chair around, then he straddles it. “Talk.”

I clear my throat to speak, but Lucas holds his hand up. “We want to speak to Bren.”

The dude’s lip slowly turns up at the side into a patronizing smile. “Sure you do.” He raises his eyebrow mockingly.

I can feel the tension rolling off Jace. His body is coiled tight, and I can only hope he holds out long enough for us to get what we want. To get what we came for.

An alliance.

“He’s here tonight,” Lucas states, making the guy’s eyes turn sharper, deadlier. He knows we’ve been watching, calculating the perfect time to approach him.

Jace’s leg bounces beside me, and he stares at the table hard enough to drill holes through the damn thing.

But I’m proud of my brother for keeping it together, even though I can sense he’s unraveling.

“If you want to walk out of here, you leave now.” His voice is low and deadly, and his sharp glare penetrates into Lucas. But my brother is unperturbed. He’s faced evil head-on, so this dude is a cakewalk for him.

“We have information.”

The guy throws his head back on a condescending chuckle before he snaps his head back down with all signs of amusement wiped from his face.Jesus, he’s fucked up.

“Don’t you fucking all.” He holds his hand up and snaps his fingers, and I watch on as what I can only describe as an army of men head toward us.

Panic bubbles inside me, and my heart races at the thought of us failing. “Wait. Fuck, just wait. It’s about Jenny Olska.” The guy doesn’t so much as flinch with recognition at the use of her name. “Y-You know her as Sky,” I stumble the words out, but it has the desired effect when he freezes and holds his hand in the air to stop his entourage.

His eyes snap toward mine. “What the fuck did you just say?” he asks, his voice somehow sounding even more sinister than before.

I swallow thickly but continue, relieved that I now at least have his attention. “Jenny, also known as Sky. We have information about her past.” It’s not a complete lie, but it is reason enough for us to be here and to grab both this dude and Bren’s attention.

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