Page 20 of Brutal Lies

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All the secrets, all the lies coming out, and our recent kidnapping has my head pounding with so many emotions.

Deceit being a big one.

I rub at the throbbing pain in my temple.

“I know you’re confused right now, Tia.”

“You don’t know anything about me,” I snap, but then wince at my tone when her expectant face falls.

She casts her eyes away and swallows. “You’re right, I don’t, but I’m angry too. My husband lied to me.”

This intrigues me; she’s feeling the same as I am. So, I ask the question on the tip of my tongue. “Why did he lie to you?”

Her hands move quicker in her lap. “He thought he was protecting me.”

I stare at her, unsure of what to say or do. “From me?”

“He knew you were in danger.”

I scoff. “He thought I was too much trouble, is that it?”

Her chest expands and she swallows slowly. “I—”

“You know what, Sky. It’s fine, he’s right. I’m clearly too much trouble.” I wave my hand over my face and the bruises on my legs, showing off every inch of trouble I’ve recently endured.

“I don’t think that, Tia.” Tears fill her eyes, then she opens a purse I wasn’t even aware she had with her. Then she takes out a photo and holds it out toward me. Who even has photos these days?

“They’re your nephews, they have a bunch of cousins, but I know they’d love more.” It’s an olive branch I feel like snapping, but looking at the hope on her innocent face has me taking the photo from her.

My heart aches and my vision goes blurry. Four little boys all seem to be below preschool age. The oldest two are fair-haired with impish smiles, but the toddler and baby are brown-haired, all have the same bright-blue eyes. Familiar blue eyes.

I point toward the door. “What does your husband say about you being here?”

She snorts on a laugh. “That’s not my husband, he’s my brother-in-law. He’s the second-in-command for the family, so he’s stepped up because my husband is unavailable.”

There’s a lot to take in from her words, but the one that sticks out the most spills from my lips. “Second-in-command?”

“We’re a Mafia family.”

I choke on thin air and laugh.She’s kidding, right?After everything I’ve been through, uncontrollable giggles escape me, and she sits staring at me with wide eyes.

When I finally calm down, I clear my throat, then search her face for a sign of deceit, but her innocent eyes roam over me as if I’m having some sort of mental breakdown and she’s unsure of how to deal with me.

“A Mafia family?”

She nods intently. “Hm-mm. I was found in a crate. My husband rescued me. He’s good like that.”

My mouth falls open. “A crate?” I repeat like an idiot.

“Yes. I’m unsure of when we were separated, but I was sent to a training facility, then I was sold for my virginity. Luckily, my husband intercepted the shipment I was in.”

My body jolts. “Holy shit.”

“So, he’s overprotective.” She nods again.

I nod along, kind of understanding why her husband didn’t want to add more drama into her life, but I can’t help but feel pissed at the decision too.

“He felt guilty about not telling me about you.”
