Page 29 of His Hunted Witch

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“Then what are you worried about?”

“He gets a little out of control. I get a lot out of control.”

She kissed him again and then freed her hands to shake him. “Good.”

Finally, he kissed her again. Contrary to his words, he wasn’t out of control. He was exquisitely gentle as he explored her mouth. He tasted so good. She could be happy just kissing him.

And wasn’t that crazy?

Sex to her was fun, something to do, and one of her favorite hobbies. It wasn’t sweet or slow or addicting.

He pulled away from her, and she cried out in protest. He put a finger to her lips and then moved toward the horse. It chomped lazily at some grass as Aiden loosened the saddle. He pulled it off like it weighed nothing. The horse shifted and cocked his head to look at him.

“Don’t worry, boy. We’re going home. I just need to borrow this.” As he said that, he stole the blanket that lay between the saddle and the horse and spread it out.

She crossed her arms. “How considerate.” She tried not to make it sound like a criticism. Where was this promised abandon? She wanted to stop thinking. She wanted out of her head. She wanted him.

He didn’t answer, just pushed her to the edge of the blanket and then down. He followed her and loomed over her, holding himself up with one arm.

She gasped. There he was.

He lowered his full length onto her—wonderfully solid—and kissed her deeply. His shirt was already open, and suddenly she needed to be skin-to-skin. She fumbled with her buttons. With his help, she had the borrowed shirt off in seconds. He helped her pull away her bra and then lay one searing palm across her breast. She lost her breath at the hot heat of his hand.

He kissed her deeply as he moved to her other breast and only broke the kiss to nuzzle into the side of her neck. His lips sent a sizzling bolt of sensation straight to her core, and she almost shrieked.

She gripped his head, but he pried her hands away and pinned them to her sides.

“What are you—” she began.

“Let me,” he said and rained kisses from her collarbone to her breasts. She wanted to touch him, but he wouldn’t let her, and the frustration drove her wild as he peeled down her jeans. She helped him shuck them off and then watched greedily as he disposed of his own. The cold air seared her for a moment, but he lay back over her, and she forgot about the weather.

He was perfect. It was dark, and she could barely see him; she mourned they weren’t on top of a mountain under the full moon so she could have an unedited view of all of that perfection. She worried that no other partner would measure up again.

“Aiden, come on.”

He reared up and took both her hands and drew them above her head as he entered her slowly and inexorably. She lost her breath.

“Okay?” he asked, even as he surged further. She nodded desperately as he began to move. The feel of him in her drove every thought and word from her head.

He didn’t set a rhythm or direction immediately. He varied his depth and angle like he had to explore every possible inch of her.

She groaned as he hit a particularly good spot and forced her eyes open to meet his; two glittering orbs in the darkness gleamed with satisfaction. She fought against his hands again, wanting to touch, but he didn’t let go.

She wanted control. She wanted this to be impersonal and fast, and he’d taken that from her. “Speed up.”

“No,” he kept his current pace and held her gaze as he thrust deeper, wringing a long moan from her.

“Yes!” she shouted.

“There it is,” he said, almost as breathless as she was, which was her only consolation.

He repeated the last angle, and she groaned again. She’d never felt anything like it. She could never go back to the anonymous hikers flowing through Harpers Ferry on their way up the Appalachian Trail who were as happy to see her bed and shower as they were her.

She would never be able to live without this.

Don’t be stupid.

He surged in at that perfect, inexorable angle again and then sped up a little.
