Page 14 of Playing for You

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“They even kicked him out of their apocalypse team,” Bridget teases.

“He was dragging us down,” Aaron defends his actions.

“We had no choice,” Bailey confirms seriously, not a hint of sarcasm in sight.

“And we’d do it again if we had to,” Aaron finishes with a firm nod.

Luke laughs, before turning to Jordan. “If you ever want me to show you how to play it, let me know.”

“Yes! You two”—Jordan stands and wags his finger between Aaron and Bailey—“are going down!”

I watch Luke from the bar as I collect our drinks and when he turns to grin at me, his green eyes sparkling, my heart skips a beat.

“You and Luke seem to be getting along.” Bridget nudges me gently with a knowing smile. “Has anything happened between you two yet?”

“We almost kissed earlier, but we were interrupted.”

“Oh my god! When?” she asks excitedly.

“After the game,” I respond with a shy smile as I admit it out loud. “Bridget, I think I like him. Like, really like him.”

“He’s good for you, you should go for it. He couldn’t take his eyes off you earlier; it was so adorable!” she says before walking back to the table.

Over the course of the past few weeks Luke and I have gotten closer, that’s for sure, I’ve also shared things with him I couldn’t even talk to Brooke or Bridget about. I willingly toldhim about the pressure I’m under from my parents and my own self-doubts and each day he’s helped me navigate them. Now, those negative voices barely even exist anymore.

When I sit down next to him again, I move closer, barely leaving any room between us. He smiles down at me knowingly, then reaches over and takes my hand. He rests it on the table and threads his fingers through mine. Claiming me for the world to see. And I couldn’t be happier.

Chapter Thirteen


“I had a really good night,” Luke says when we reach my front door, my hand still safely tucked away in his just like it has been all night. No one batted an eyelid to the shift in our relationship.

“Me too.” My heart rate increases rapidly and my stomach flutters as he looks at me with those beautiful green eyes again.

He places his palm flat on my waist as he leans in to kiss my cheek and, oh god, even though it’s just a small peck, it’s delightful. He lingers for a moment, running his nose along my cheekbone slowly, and my hands tremble with anticipation.

The smell of his aftershave hovers between us, a scent I could pick out a mile away now having spent so much time in his presence.

“Luke?” I whisper, gripping his shoulders as though frightened he’ll disappear.

“Yeah, Nat?” His voice is low and hoarse, and I love it so much I let out a sound that sounds suspiciously like a whimper. It’s the first time he’s shortened my name to Nat and I like the way it sounds in his low tone.

I turn my face ever so slightly, lining up our lips perfectly with barely a centimetre between us. He nudges my nose affectionately with his as he brings his hand up to cup my jaw and I let out a tiny gasp.

“I’m so glad I met you,” I say breathily, my voice barely above a whisper.

His heart’s beating fast beneath his soft t-shirt against my hand. His body is warm against my palm and all I can think about is how fantastic it would feel to be lying next to him with nothing between us.

“Me too,” he says.

When his lips caress mine, I’m floating on air. He kisses me slowly and thoroughly, so much so, my entire body melts against him.

Never have I been so turned on by a kiss. Never has a kiss made me desperate for so much more, and he knows it, because when he pulls back to look at me, the smile he gives me is downright wicked.

Hooking my arms around his neck, I pull him back to me, parting my lips. When his tongue tangles with mine even more sparks fly and it’s like a dam breaks inside us, allowing our desperation and desires to take control. He pushes me against the hard surface of my front door and I moan into his mouth, unable to keep quiet any longer as my fantasies play out in real life. The throbbing between my legs intensifies and I try to climb him, so he helps me by hitching my leg up around his hips. His hard bulge presses exactly where I crave. My desperate cry meets his tortured groan. Although this is by far the hottest make-out I’ve ever had, it’s nowhere near enough.

“I want you,” I moan when his lips move to caress the tender skin of my neck. “Luke, I need you.”
