Page 23 of Her Saint

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I don’t want to be forced to flee my home, my life. Especially because Saint doesn’t seem like the type to let a little distance come between us. Even though we’re a mere few weeks into the semester, his obsession already runs deep.


He thinks I’m his muse, his inspiration. Without me, he can’t write. He needs me. Which means he won’t let me go without a fight.

Too bad for him, I’ll fight back harder.

“Do you really think we can get enough evidence?” I ask Mack. “So many people knew what your ex was doing and verified your story, and he still got away with it.”

“But James was an officer. Unless Saint has connections we don’t know about, law enforcement won’t have a motive to cover it up.”

I shake my head. It’s sick that Mack had to deal with that. “I have no idea what kind of connections he has.” A smile blooms across my face. “Maybe it’s time to stalk the stalker.”

“Before you Google him, you should delete anything on social media that could give away more about your identity. And make sure you don’t post your location.”

Just as I’m about to follow Mack’s instructions, my ringtone blares. An unknown number. I swipe my thumb across the screen while Mack crouches on the floor to play with Cookie and Ginger and their favorite toy mouse.


“Briar?” The rough, gravelly voice is instantly familiar, even though I haven’t heard it in over a decade.

My stomach twists into a tight knot. “Why are you calling me?”

Mack’s gaze flashes up to me in concern.

“I’m going to be back in town for a wedding in a few months. I wanted to make plans to stop by and see you so we can catch up.”

Catch up. Like we’re old war pals and not an estranged father and daughter. What the hell do I even call him now? Dad? Father? He hasn’t earned those titles. “I’m not interested in catching up.”

My father blows out a slow breath. I can’t even picture where he is or what he looks like now. Hopefully, he’s as ugly now as he is on the inside. “I know what happened between me and your mother affected our relationship too, but I want to fix it. I’ve been working on myself?—”

“I don’t really give a shit.” Out of all the times he could try to weasel his way back into my life, he had to pick when I’m already dealing with a predatory boss and an obsessive stalker. “You should’ve been working on yourself when you were cheating on my mother.”

“You’re right,” he admits. “The way I treated your mother was wrong. I want to make amends. Make things right.”

My blood is boiling now. If I could reach through the phone to punch him, I would. “Leave her alone. She’s better off without you.”

He gives a humorless chuckle. “Believe me, I know. I burned that bridge with your mother a long time ago. But you’re still my daughter. I want to be a father to you, if you’ll let me.”

Every word that leaves this man’s mouth is bullshit.

“No. Kindly stay away from me and Mom. And don’t call me again.” I hang up, heart pounding like I just ran ten miles.

“Was that your father?” Mack asks.

“Yep,” I grumble. “Mom warned me he might try to contact me. Their friends are getting remarried, and they’re both invited to the wedding.”

Mack’s eyes widen. “Do you think they’re going to get back together?”

“Hell no. My mom is way too good for him.”

“Are you going to see him while he’s in town?”

I bark a mirthless laugh. “Definitely not.”

Mack’s brows knit together. “You don’t think it might be good to get some closure?”

“I got my closure. My father is a cheating, narcissistic asshole who doesn’t deserve the ground he walks on.”
