Page 24 of Her Saint

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“I’m just saying you’re obviously still upset about it. Usually, that means you haven’t gotten the closure you need. You don’t have to spend holidays together or go to daddy-daughter dances, but you can at least get to say your piece and bury the hatchet.”

“Give me a hatchet and I’ll happily bury it in his chest.”

She shakes her head but can’t help grinning. “Have I ever mentioned how insane you are?”

“Don’t worry about me, Mack. Believe me, I moved on a long time ago.” Most days, I hardly remember my father exists. His absence from my life has only removed unnecessary stress. “Now. Back to stalking my stalker.”

First, I need to go through my social media accounts and make sure I don’t have any other identifying information displayed publicly.

I open up the only social media I bother using on a semi-regular basis, mainly to post cute pictures and videos of Cookie. A quick scroll through my posts makes my pulse pick up speed.

“Oh myfuckinggod.”

“What?” Mack jumps up, sending Ginger and Cookie scrambling out the door.

I spin to show her my screen. “The asshole deleted all the photos with my exes. He only left the selfies, the photos from college, and the photos with you, Mom, and the cats.”

Her eyebrows shoot up. “Wow. He’s alreadythispossessive of you.”

“I know! And how the hell did he hack my account?” I’m not his girlfriend or his muse or whatever the hell else he wants to call me. He doesn’t get to control me like this. Control what I post, who I spend time with, who touches me.

“Despite his poor decision-making, I think he may unfortunately have a few brain cells in his head,” Mack admits.

“This is all your fault, you know.”

Her eyes pop. “Myfault?”

“You reactivated my dating profiles against my will! So I was forced to go on a date with a human trafficker, Saint overdosed him, and now here we are.”

She folds her arms. “Saint was stalking you before your date. You said you saw him watching you while you were inside your house.”

“Yes, but I need someone to yell at right now, and he’s not here.”

“So what are you going to do in the meantime? You can’t keep teaching when he’s a student there. Are you going to ask for time off?”

“I can’t. I barely make enough to pay my bills as it is, and the benefits are shit. I can’t afford to take the time off. And I’ll be damned if I run from him.” Mack flushes and I want to kick myself in the head. “Shit, I didn’t mean like you. I’m glad you ran from James. That’s the only thing you could’ve done. He was an abusive, toxic asshole. You fought as much as you could—you didn’t have any other options. That’s what I want to do now. Figure out all my options and fight as hard as I can.”

She squeezes my hand and gives me a small smile. “We’ll fight this together.”

Her smile pulls one from me. With Mack by my side, no one will stop us.

Saint de Haas has no fucking clue who he’s messing with.

A black BMW is following me.

At first, I thought it was another commuter on their way to work. Until I purposely made a left turn with my right turn signal on.

The BMW’s signal changed and followed me.

Now, I make a turn in the wrong direction, no longer entirely sure how to get to campus from here.

The BMW is still behind me, maintaining a few car lengths of space between us as if that will somehow keep them inconspicuous.

The windows are too tinted to make out the driver. But I have a good idea who’s behind the wheel.

I slam on the gas. Fuck this. If Saint wants to follow me around, I’ll pull into a spot and confront him.

My GPS guides me to the Auburn campus, and when I finally turn into the parking lot, the BMW coasts by.
