Page 23 of Torn

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“Pull down his pants for me so I can cut his dick off.”

The man’s whimpers were like music to my ears. Honestly, I expected Hunter to balk at my request, or tell me we didn’t have time for this shit. Instead, he bent over, and with quick, precise movements, did as I’d asked.

I wasn’t sure what sort of gift you got someone who’d helped you make a man a eunuch, but he was getting something from me after this.

“I hope your shriveled dick follows you into hell.”

The room tilted, and I fell over, his dick still in my hand. He let out a gurgled scream, then blacked out.

I threw my head back and laughed like one of those deranged evil villains off the Saturday morning cartoons. Two Hunters appeared before my eyes, both of them shaking their heads at me as if I were an errant child before lifting me into his arms.

He walked as if I were as light as a feather, cells passing us by with dizzying speed.

“Wait.” My stomach rolled as he came to a halt. “There’s a girl, dark hair, dark eyes, tall, arrestingly beautiful. You can’t miss her. We can’t leave without her.”

He shook his head and kept going. “Setting the rest of the girls free is Gunner’s problem, not mine. I promised to bring you straight home to Brandy, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

I could live with that for now. Besides, what other choice did I have? The club would set the women free, Hunter said so. But I still needed to talk to one of them. Face to face.

“Fine, but I need you to ask Gunner to find that girl and bring her to me.”

He didn’t bat an eyelash at my request, and I was starting to see why Brandy could fall for a man like Hunter. He might not be capable of love in the conventional sense of the word, but he more than made up for it in other ways.



Stel looked so fragile and broken in nothing but a T-shirt that was more red than white, her slender arms clinging to Hunter for dear life, her blond head buried in his chest. Before Ryder could stop me, I left the darkened cover of the tree line and sprinted straight for them.

Hunter slipped back through the hole in the fence that we’d cut out earlier, and kept going, his stride only breaking long enough to toss something at me. Out of instinct, I slowed to catch it, watching as he veered off toward where we’d leftthe bikes. My brain took a few seconds to register what I held in my hand. A set of keys.

We hadn’t planned on the outside of the warehouse being lit up like the fucking Fourth of July, and when I looked up, there were already two guards closing in on the fence. Hunter had done his part, and now that Stel was safe, it was time for me to do mine.

Red clouded my vision as I slipped through the hole in the fence and pulled my gun from its holster. But before I could take aim, the men were falling to the pavement. More guards came from the direction of the warehouse as I ran, their guns raised, heedless of their comrades lying face down. Thanks to Gunner, they soon fell, one by one, like human dominos.

Unscathed, I shot the snarling dogs as they lunged and slipped through the plain black door. I traded my gun for the knife I kept strapped to my ankle because fuck shooting these bastards. None of them deserved the quick death eating a bullet would bring, and while I couldn’t do anything about the ones Gunner had taken care of outside, these men were mine. They’d fucked with Stel, and before this night was over, I would feed off their terror before watching the light fade from their eyes.

Like a wraith, I moved down the darkened corridor. With every life I took, with every gasp or gurgle, I felt no remorse. If I should meet them again in hell, I’d make their death even slower and more painful.

When I reached the end, I peeked around the opening. Five guards prowled between the two rows of prison style cells, just like in the photo Brandy had shown us, their fingers resting against the triggers of the machine guns they carried.

The girl in the cell across from me whimpered, and I held my finger against my lips, shaking my head. She trembled as she flattened herself against the wall but remained quiet.

Slipping my knife into the side pocket of my cargo pants for easy access, I withdrew my gun from its holster and fired five shots in quick succession. Each shot hit its intended target, but I fired a second round to make sure the men stayed down.

Contrary to popular belief, Ryder hadn’t chosen me to be his VP merely because we were childhood friends. Only those closest to me knew that shooting a gun came as naturally to me as throwing a dart. Maybe it was because they both required a certain focus and dexterity that quieted my demons. Whatever the reason, it had always seemed unwise to advertise what I was capable of.

These fuckers had just gotten a front-row seat to my little hidden talent, but based on their wide-eyed stares, I’d say they hardly appreciated my demonstration. One of them attempted to spit on my boots but thought better of it when I threatened to cut out his tongue before I slit his throat.

By the time the rest of the guys stormed into the room a few minutes later, weapons drawn, blood dripped from my fingers and there was only one man still left alive. He tried to use his good leg to crawl away, but Ryder put a stop to his progress with a bullet to the back of his head.

“You good?” he asked, looking over at me.

I wiped the blade of my knife against my thigh, the black of my pants hiding the red stain. “Yeah.”

“Jesus, man,” Tweak said, stepping over a stream of blood on his way to where Beast stood next to another open doorway. At his feet lay two bodies I hadn’t had the pleasure of killing. “It looks like Jeffrey Dahmer hit up a rave in here.”

“Good one, dude,” Beast said, frowning down at the floor. “Tweak, am I imagining things or is that a dick lying next to that guy?”
