Page 42 of Torn

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We needed to catch up to the town car before we lost him. Thankfully, traffic was light, and I could weave in and out of the cars. Up ahead, I spotted his car and slowed down. If he was talking about Stel, and I strongly suspected that he was, he wasn’t getting within a hundred yards of her.

The farther he drove, the more I had to fall back. Wide open fields and winding roads didn’t provide much cover. When I rounded the last bend, I couldn’t even see his taillights. Stel tapped me and pointed to the dirt road. Sure enough, there was dust still floating in the air.

We passed the dirt road and did a U-turn. From this angle, I could see the black bike sitting among a stand of trees set farther back off the dirt road. What in the fuck was Ryder doing way out here? ’Cause this sure didn’t look like the shitty bar Los Sepultureros members usually hung out at.

Stel tensed behind me. Yeah, she felt it too. Something wasn’t right. Maybe we oughta figure out what in the hell was going on here before we went wandering around. Parking my bike beside his, I pulled out my phone and shot him a text.

His response was almost immediate. Stay put.

Stel swung her leg off the bike and as soon as her feet hit the grass, she began pacing. Me? Cigarettes were more my speed, and it had been a hell of a fucking afternoon. Stel raisedan eyebrow but didn’t comment as I lit up. The nicotine hit me like a jolt to the system and I sighed.

Ryder came into view, his long legs eating up the distance as he ran toward us. His chest heaved when he finally stopped in front of Stel, his dark eyes giving her a once over, something I very much took offense to. He’d guessed at my feelings for Stel when we were in high school, so why in the fuck would he think I’d ever let any harm come to her?

“What happened to lying low at Hunter’s?”

Since he was looking to her for answers, and asking her nicely, I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut. For now. If he got any ideas about disrespecting Stel, though, he might just find himself lying in the grass instead of standing.

“Jules sent the CIA a list of Antonio’s known associates, and a few of the names were unfamiliar. I wanted to see if I recognized any of the men from the list, so I asked Switch to come with me. The man we followed here was at the club the night I was taken and just met with one of my captors.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Your turn. What the fuck are you doing here?”

Ryder’s nose wrinkled like he’d just stepped in dog shit. “Spying on Los Sepultureros.”

Evidently, I’d missed out on more shit than I thought between licking my wounds and leaving town. But catching up would have to wait because we’d just stumbled on to our missing link.



When I saw the creep who’d tried to feel me up in the club on the night I was taken in that elevator, I almost couldn’t believe it. But the real kicker was when I watched Michael, that angelic devil, getting out of his pretty boy sports car. Talk about the right place at the right time.

Michael’s voice as he’d addressed his boss was like being thrown back into that first cell all over again and I had to swallow back the bile filling my throat. When I heard them say they’d been trying to find me, an icy shiver of dread slid downmy spine. Over my dead body were either of those assholes ever laying a hand on me, or anyone in my family.

Michael’s death had been entirely too swift, but feeling my blade sinking into his skin, having his blood coating my hands, had been cathartic. It had unlocked shackles I wasn’t even aware I still wore. If I could have, I would have killed them both in that garage and not thought twice about it.

But Mr. Stephen Day was no underling. While that meant he had escaped his fate, for now, that sick fuck’s days were numbered.

I was going to take my time with him too. Maybe give him a taste of his own medicine, throw him in a cage naked for a few days and see how he liked that shit. Though, knowing his tastes, he might actually get off on it. In which case, I’d settle for a painfully slow death.

Switch’s thick thigh brushed against mine, jerking me out of my vengeful thoughts. He seemed to do that quite a lot. He made me forget all about my revenge. He and his dick came damn close to disrupting my plans today. If those men had shown up a few minutes earlier, we might not be at the clubhouse now, listening to grown men bicker.

They’d been sitting around the table for half an hour now, and by the sound of things they weren’t any further ahead than when they’d started. Their constant yakking was giving me a headache. Maybe it was time to tell them of my plans, and then all they had to do was decide if they were going to help me or leave me to it.

The room descended into silence when I stood, multiple sets of eyes watching my progress as I walked to where Ryder sat at the head of the table.

I planted my palms on its polished surface and leaned forward. “I’m going to take their money, then I’m going totake their lives, with or without your help. Decide which it’s going to be.”

Tweak’s dark eyes met mine, a twinkle in them. “Okay, killer. I’ll bite. How do you propose we steal their money?”

He’d always had a mischievous side, and as long as my brand of justice wasn’t being directed at him, Tweak was always happy to help. Nobody, Switch included, knew he’d had a hand in painting the pink flames on the side of Ryder’s gas tank. Not that I thought bringing down a human trafficking ring was in the same hemisphere as petty vandalism.

“Easy. We hit their safe houses. With no women to sell, or a place to store any more new ones, they will have nothing. What took them years to build we can wipe out in a matter of days.”

“How do you plan to handle retaliation?” Ryder asked, his hand knocking against the wood beside mine. “These men won’t take you destroying their multibillion-dollar business lying down.”

“Did you not hear the second part of her plan?” Beast ran a hand down his dark beard and sighed. “Dead men can’t very well come after us, now can they.”

Hunter tilted his head to the side, his light eyes settling on me. “Assuming none of the players take off for parts unknown.”

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