Page 108 of The Flirty Vet

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I feel compelled to hate him…but I can't. Not really. I'm not getting any pleasure from avoiding him and making his lifeharder. He's had to catch multiple flights because of me, and that makes me feel like the biggest douchebag in the world. I didn't think I'd be away this long, and I for sure didn't think he'd follow me around Australia on some silly wild-goose chase.

But of course he did.

I've finally met my match. He's just as competitive, just as stubborn, just as determined as I am.

Although I'll reserve final judgement until he passes one vitally important test—monthly karaoke.

I still intend to fight for my family and for my farm with everything I have in me, but I don't know if I have it in me to fighthim.

I've caught feelings, and I'm WilbyThe Biggest Flirt In The WorldLinfox. I don't do feelings. I don't miss people who aren't my friends the way I miss him.

Because I have been missing him heaps this entire trip. Thinking about him all the time. Thinking to myself what I'd say to him if he was here with me doing random things like catching an Uber or grabbing a late dinner back at the hotel.Wishinghe was here with me, because if he were, whatever dull little thing I was doing would be better just because he was around. Now that's some fucked-up crazy shit, isn't it?

"What's some fucked-up crazy shit?"

The door to Col's room is open, and he's leaning against the frame, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and…mild amusement. Yes, being tipsy invokes my eye-reading skills, thank you very much. If you'd like to form an orderly queue, I'll try to get to as many people as I can.

I move towards him. "How much of that did you overhear?"

"Enough." The corners of his mouth lift. "Come in, you tipsy thing."

I amble into his room, freezing in place when two arms wrap around my waist from behind. Col presses his cheek against my upper back and gently strokes my stomach.

"I should be so mad at you," he whispers into my shoulder.

I swallow. "I agree. You should be."

"So why am I not? I mean, part of me is. But I'm not all-out furious."

"Probably 'cause you're not a true New Yorker. Growing up in LA must've given you a mellow streak."

He laughs, and I feel it vibrate through my body, all the way down to my toes.

"Maybe. But I think it's got something to do with you."

"Who, me?" I say innocently, spinning around so we're standing face-to-face.

And. Fuck. Me.

His eyes.

Whenever I see them this close, they take my breath away. Even in the bright fluorescent light of the hotel room, they're like these two beautiful…anchors. They weigh me down, but in a good way. A safe way.

And, yeah, okay, poeticism isn't my thing at the best of times, much less when I'm a little drunk. But it sounds good in my head.

He traces a finger along my jawline before meeting my gaze. "What are you doing to me?" His breath fans over my face. "You throw me off balance, and then just as I get myself steady, you do something and I'm discombobulated all over again."


"Word of the day." He grins. "I've got an app."

"I see."

He strokes down my neck, his fingers slipping under my collar. "I don't know what it is about you that makes you…"

"So damn lovable?"

He huffs out a laugh. "Lovable. Killable."
