Page 127 of The Flirty Vet

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"All countries are the same," I say as we eat. "They've all got their overhyped tourist hotspots. You think Parisians go apeshit mad over the Eiffel tower? No. They're over it and probablypissed that all these tourists are clogging up their streets while they're trying to go about their lives."

"I guess so. But I still love touristy places."

"I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm just glad you saw more of this country than the images you get on postcards."

"Uh, the image of Bondi on a postcard and my lived experience of visiting Bondi are very muchnotthe same thing.''

Heat flares in his eyes, and I stop eating. "Maybe you're shopping for postcards at the wrong place."

He laughs, then starts coughing since he's midway through inhaling his second cheeseburger. I get up and clap his back a few times, sliding a glass of water his way to help him with the last of his choking fit.

"Thanks," he says, blinking his watery eyes. "What we did that day… What we've done so many times in the days since… I'm… I'm not usually like this."

I go back to my side of the table. "Like what?"

"Wild. Free… Happy."

"Are you happy?" I ask, taking the opening, and then decide to go for it by adding, "With me?"

He starts nodding slowly. "Yeah. I am."

A light energy pulses from my chest, radiating all the way down to the soles of my feet. "I'm glad."

And I really am. Because, being here with him, I'm not focusing on my life crumbling around me, I'm thinking about how nice a life with Col would be.

It sure as fuck wouldn't be anything fancy, and it wouldn't be anywhere near as exciting as I'm assuming his life back in New York is, but if he can see past the glossy touristy images to the real beauty of this country, maybe he can do the same with me?

With us?

It's a long shot, I know, but I've lost everything today…except for one thing.

One thing that no one can take away from a person.


And for as long as I can, I'm going to hold on to whatever tiny sliver of hope I can find that maybe, somehow, Col and I can find a way to be together.



It's been a big day.

We got as good an outcome as I could have hoped for Wilby and his family, but I was expecting him to be a lot more…I don't know, emotional about it. He seems muted. It is all a lot for one person to deal with, so he might just need some time to process it all. And at least he has the prospect of another mustering season to look forward to.

Despite only booking one hotel room for our stay, I certainly wasn't expecting to be ending the day with Wilby thrusting his massive cock into me as relentlessly and passionately as he did for the past few hours.

But as huge as my appetite for food is, Wilby's sex drive is just as big. Even with all the shit he's got going on, it doesn't seem to dent his desire to fuck the living daylights out of me in every sexual position known to mankind. Repeatedly.

And to show him how much he means to me, this time when we fucked, I was noisy. At times, I thought I was being too loud, but Wilby never once gave me a weird look or told me to tone it down.

So, I guess he likes it?

I know I do.

I never realized I was quiet during sex. No one's ever pointed it out before. But now that Wilby has, and encouraged me to make noise, it's the best, most freeing feeling in the world.

And he really earned his ten-star rating today. My ass is going to be feeling it tomorrow.
