Page 18 of The Virgin I Desire

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“Yay!” Giovane vibrated in his chair.

She signaled and the waiters came with trays, placing them on the table so we could eat. The youngest, and speedy, were the first to serve themselves. My father was talking to Uncle Theo, but they soon stopped when I heard Grandma saying that work should be off the table.

My attention was drawn to my brother, he seemed scattered, fidgeting with his hands, which I noticed had some injuries. I assumed he had punched someone, but if I asked, I knew he wouldn't tell me.

Mom and Dona Rosi said that in the world we lived in, ignorance was a blessing. I didn't know how many people my father had killed, only that he kissed me goodnight and put me to sleep when I was little. My family had secrets, but which didn't?

Speaking of secrets... I cut a piece of pizza and swallowed it to hide my discomfort as I remembered the call I had received earlier.

It was completely insane that the guy I had been dreaming about for the last four years was the head of the Russian mafia. Not just any pawn, but the leader. I was sure that this only made everything worse.

My father hated the Russians.

The Russians hated the Italians.

Still, my heart beat faster when I heard his voice. The situation could be simpler, but it turned out to be even more complex.



“I'm talking to you.”

I turned my head and realized that my mother was calling me. Completely lost in thought, I hadn't even noticed her voice.

“Would you like some wine?”


Perla stepped on my foot under the table, making me come back to reality and better process what my mother was saying to me.

“Your glass is empty.”

“I think I prefer juice.”

“Let me serve you.”

Ettore picked up the bottle of grape juice and tipped it into my glass.


“You’re welcome, cousin.”

I took a few sips of the liquid and ate another piece of pizza while trying not to get lost in thought again. None of them could even imagine what was making me this way and it was better this way.

Chapter nine

“They made an attempt on your life today,” Sergei said as he entered the office that used to belong to my father and was now mine.

“They have attempted my life since the moment I was born.”

“Today was different.”

“It wasn’t.” I uncrossed my arms and placed my hands on the table. Raising my head and looking directly at him. “Police officers, local bosses and leaders of other mafias. Everyone will want my head and isn't that always the case?”

“You're right.” He stepped back, correcting his posture. “You are more cunning than I imagined, Mikhail. You really have your father's blood.”
