Page 54 of The Virgin I Desire

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Unlike the side wall of the house, the wall that led to the street was easier to climb because it was made of stones. One step at a time, I tried to be cautious while also needing to be quick, as I didn't know how long it would take for the soldiers on patrol to return to that part. As soon as I reached the top, I had to go down to the street. That was the only part that didn't appear on the cameras, but there was a drone that was hovering around the house, and I jumped into the street, hiding behind a car as soon as it passed.

My heart was racing, and the adrenaline kept me on insane level of alertness. I took a breath and ran out, heading to the corner as fast as I could. On the street, I wasn't so careful about avoiding cameras, I just protected my face with my hair and hood. I hoped I looked like I was just another person walking around in the early hours of the morning without attracting any attention.

I was heading to the meeting place when I felt a hand wrap around my waist and forcefully pull me into a dark alley. My back hit the rough wall and my eyes widened when I saw the outline of his face in the dim light.

“Mikhail...” I barely had time to whisper his name when the weight of his mouth silenced me.

His hands tightened around my waist and his chest pressed against my breasts as he kissed me with an overwhelming hunger.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, responding to his kiss, even though I felt like I was going to run out of air at any moment.

The insanity of being with him was offset by the way I felt. The ecstasy and frenzy in my heart showed me that there were no other arms where I wanted to be.

The more I said no, the greater my need to be with him and the taste of that kiss only intensified my sin.

He stopped, with both hands on the wall and his forehead on mine as his chest rose and fell rapidly, trying to regain the oxygen that had been denied by the kiss. I was the same way and silence reigned for a few minutes until I dared to break it.

“Are we staying here?”

“No.” He pulled my hand, making me take a few more steps.

It was dark and it took me a while to notice a motorcycle parked in the alley. He handed me a helmet and took another, then helped me get on his back.

I needed to get home quickly, but I only bothered to hug his waist tightly when he accelerated the vehicle and I fell backwards with inertia.

Without worrying about current speed limits, Mikhail weaved between cars and other vehicles on the road, taking me far from home and the safety of my family. I hugged him tighter and laid my head on his back.

I had every indication in the world to be scared to death of him, but I wasn't. It was nice and peaceful with our proximity.

Mikhail entered a hotel garage and parked, helping me get off the vehicle.

I took off my helmet and handed it to him. Mikhail put them both on the bike and took something out of his pocket, itlooked like a silicone film that he put on his face, altering some of his features, disguising them.

“What is that?” I took a step back in surprise.

“There are cameras in the elevator, and I don't want your uncle to ruin our moment.”

“I see.”

“Let's go.” He offered me a mask, and I accepted without thinking twice.

We got into the elevator, and he pressed a button for the eighth floor.

It was too late for me to regret being there. I had already thought countless times about the consequences of my actions and if they were limited to just me, everything would be fine.

The hallway lights came on as we walked down it. We went to a door and Mikhail took a key out of his pocket. It wasn't an extremely luxurious hotel like the many that my family had throughout Italy, however, as he was hiding there, it was a way to attract less attention.

If I had to spend the rest of my life with a man I didn't love, at least I would have one moment with the one who made my heart race and took over every one of my dreams.

We entered the room, and my gaze was immediately drawn to a round table in the corner with a bottle of champagne immersed in a bucket and some candles, leaving the room in a yellowish gloom.


“Didn't you like it?” He seemed surprised.

“I didn't take you for the romantic type.”

“I want to be your type.”
