Page 53 of The Virgin I Desire

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I’ll try.


See you tonight.

She didn't send any more messages and I put my cell phone away.

I was looking forward to seeing her and hoped that she would no longer slip through my fingers.

Chapter twenty-four

I was under the blanket in my room as I listened to the sounds of the house die down. I waited for everyone to go to sleep before trying the most insane plan in the world: leaving that house without anyone seeing me.

If they caught me, I would be in trouble and I would have to tell my father some good story as to why I was trying to escape in the dead of night. But deep down I knew that getting caught by the soldiers was the least of my worries. I would get scolded, I might be punished, but I wouldn't lose my life or be hurt.

Outside the walls of that mansion the risks were much greater. If an enemy of my family caught me, I might not come back alive. Without protection, I would be nothing but a piece of meat in a cage with lions. As much as I hated security, I always knew how necessary they were.

I shouldn't leave...

I had arranged with Mikhail for him to meet me a few blocks from the mansion. He could protect me from the dangers that surrounded me, but who would protect me from him?

I felt a chill sweep over me.

The consequences of my recklessness could be fatal, but there was nothing that attracted me more in life than that man.

I remembered what Perla had said, with Luca choosing her, my father would choose another husband for me, someone very different from Mikhail. Not that the Russian mob boss was the most appropriate candidate, but it was who I longed for.

It was almost one in the morning when I stopped hearing noises. I sent a message to Mikhail to let him know I was leaving, pushed the blanket away and got out of bed. I put my cell phone in my pocket and opened the first drawer of the bedside cabinet, taking out a pocketknife that Dante had given me, saying it was for my protection. I never thought I would need it, but at that moment it was necessary.

I was wearing dark clothes and I pulled up the hood of my sweatshirt. I knew there were many cameras around the house, especially in external areas, so I had spent the day studying their blind spots so that I wouldn't be seen leaving the house.

Entering later would be an even more difficult task. However, I was trying to focus on one step at a time.

Instead of going down the hallway, I opened my bedroom window, feeling the night’s breeze invade the room and touch my face. I left through it because it was impossible to escape the camera in the hallway.

I was hanging on the side of the house, looking from side to side, thinking about how I was going to get out. I tried to climb down the bricks, but ended up slipping, luckily, I had thought about that earlier and had gathered a handful of leaves under the window, which cushioned my fall, but not enough to prevent my legs from feeling a little sore.

The noise of my impact caught the attention of some soldiers protecting the house and I had to run to hide behind a bush before they saw me.

“What was that?” I heard one of them ask.

“Did you hear it too?”

They approached the place where I had fallen and I stayed hidden, shrinking, avoiding making any noise.

“It seems like it was nothing.”

“Yeah, let's take a look around the house to make sure.”


I held my breath as they passed by me, but they didn't notice me.

I waited for the moment when they were far away and ran closer to the wall.

We didn't train like the men in the family, we weren't expected to kill like them, so I did physical activity and liked climbing, however, I only realized it was useful when I looked up.
