Page 66 of The Virgin I Desire

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“I wish you wouldn't go down this road.”

“I just want to be able to choose him.”

“You know that in the end you're only going to get hurt, right?”

“If you ever feel something so strong for someone, you will understand.”

“I hope so.” She was still sulking, but she didn't say anything else, she seemed to have given up insisting on the subject with me. “I will let you study. Mom is supposed to go to a store with me to buy new materials. Some of my paint and canvas are running low.”

“Have fun shopping.”

“Thanks.” She nodded and left my room.

I got up from the chair in front of the desk and threw myself on the bed, sinking into the pillows. I knew that Perla was thinking about everyone's best interests and my own, but I felt in my heart that staying with Mikhail was worth it. I wouldn't have dreamed of that man for the last four years if we hadn't been born to be together.

Chapter twenty-nine

I ran my hand across my forehead and threw the sweat onto the floor, moving my head to the side moments later to dodge a punch. I tilted my body to the side, before turning and hitting the soldier with a kick in the middle of his back, causing him to fall face-first onto the mat where we were.

I took a few steps back and noticed the three men around me. I gestured for them to come closer and come along. I liked testing my limits and I was used to disadvantage, it usually made me a better fighter. I knew there would rarely be a fair fight and I needed to be ready at all times.

I turned to dodge a punch, quickly turning my hands to catch a bar that came from the other side. I pulled and the soldier resisted, but I was stronger, and he ended up falling, being forced to let go of the bar. I turned it around in my hands and hit the legs of another who was trying to attack me, causing him to fall to his knees. Then I hit him on the head, and he fell, unconscious.

I threw the bar away and encouraged the only man still standing to come at me. He took out a pocketknife and pointed it in my direction.

I smiled when the guy tried to hit me. He had been foolish enough to imagine that a lethal weapon would give him any advantage against me, other than being terribly harmful to himself.

I dodged and elbowed him in the back, sending him staggering forward. He was a little more agile than the others, but far from being my equal opponent.

Snorting like a rabid dog, he came at me, moving the blade from side to side, trying hard to strike me, but I dodged it easily. He stuck it in the air, and I hit his elbow with a punch, causing the weapon to be thrown away, and ending up stuck in the mat about two feet away from us.

He seemed irritated by the way I moved and attacked him and ended up losing his temper. He tried to punch me and couldn't. I avoided a few blows and hit him squarely in the abdomen, causing him to fly backwards and end up sitting next to the knife.

He grabbed the knife and came at me. He did what he could to get to me, but it wasn't good enough. Until I grabbed his wrist and pointed the blade towards him. He tried to struggle,but I hit him in the chin. A punch so hard it left my fingers hurting and caused him to black out instantly.

I let the weapon and the soldier fall to the ground and walked off the mat where we trained.

I went into the gym locker room and went to the one where I kept my things. I grabbed a towel and wiped off some of the sweat that was running down my face, nape and neck.

On top of my wallet there were my gun and my cell phone. I was going to take a shower, but first I was curious to get the device and smiled when I saw a message from Pietra. Smiling wasn't a habit that the muscles in my face had, but I was getting used to several unthinkable things when it came to her.


Hi! How are you?


Good, working out. What about you?


That’s why you took so long to reply.


I didn’t have my cellphone on me.

