Page 69 of The Virgin I Desire

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A feeling doesn't guarantee us anything.


It guarantees us everything.


I'll let you know when I'm in Rome.


Looking forward to seeing you again. I love you.

I threw my cell phone back in the closet and locked the door, leaning on it. Love was a feeling I swore didn't exist. I heard people talk about it and believed it was just one of many manipulation tools. Maybe I was right about that, but there was much more to it than the simple fact of coercion from the other.

I had already been tortured, I had spent my childhood and adulthood being molded into a cruel man and a ruthless weapon. My father was proud of all the blood I had spilled in Russia and abroad, my brother hated me for my mere presence and my mother died before I could even have any memories to remember her by.

I never shared those sensations I experienced with Pietra with anyone. At the same time that they were good for me, they made me suspicious and worried about the consequences they could have for my entire life...

I was distracted by my thoughts, but not enough to not hear the sound of footsteps behind me. I turned my body to the side just as a blade whistled past and embedded itself in the metal of the locker.

I turned back and saw that five men had entered the locker room. They were not my soldiers, and they did not seem to be there to salute or greet me.

I hit one in the stomach, kicked another away and dodged the punch of a third, pulling him in front of me like a shield when I saw the barrel of a gun. The impacts of the shots caused me to go backwards while the one I was holding was shot. He died and became even heavier, but I didn't let go, because at the moment it was the only thing stopping me from taking a few shots.

The one I had kicked recovered and came at me. I was agile enough to remove the blade embedded in the cabinet and thrust it into his chest. I threw him at the one who was trying to shoot me, who fell under the weight. I went up and disarmed him.

I took the gun and shot another man, who arrived with one in his hand.

The last one turned his back and thought about running but ended up being stopped by my soldiers.

“Boss, you good?”

“Yes.” I snorted, irritated, as I breathed harder to normalize the breath in my lungs. “You idiots, what took you so long?”

“We came as soon as we noticed the noise,” they tried to justify themselves.

“Are they deaf by any chance?” I grabbed one of them by the collar, making him flinch and look away.

“No, sir.”

“I should kill you for this!” I growled at the one I was holding, until I ended up letting him go and making him fall to the ground. “How did they get in?”

“They killed the man in the back, and we were distracted in the gym.”

“You incompetents!”

“That won't happen again,” said one of them and everyone gulped.

“I hope or you will have the same end as those there.” I pointed to the bodies lying on the locker room floor.

They nodded and said nothing more.

I walked over to the one who was still alive and held him by the chin, making him look at me.

“Who sent you here?”

“You fucking bastard.” He spat at me, making me even angrier.
