Page 75 of The Virgin I Desire

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“Yea… no...”

“I saw you and I've been here ever since.”

Damn it! I swallowed hard and turned pale. Rosimeire Bellucci might have been elderly, but she was quite cunning, and I couldn't convince her that I had spent all that time somewhere in the mansion.

“Grandma, please, you can't tell my father that I left, or he will increase the security of the house and ground me.” I sat next to her with a pleading expression. I almost put my hands together.

“Only if you tell me where you went.”

“I needed to breathe a little, this idea of getting married, living abroad...”

“Who were you with, Pietra?”


“Don't lie to me, girl.”

“I’m serious.” I swallowed hard and I think all my paleness wasn't helping me. I imagined that with Grandma's discovery everyone could end up knowing and my sandcastle with Mikhail would end up collapsing.

“I may be getting old, granddaughter, but I've been through a lot in this world to learn enough. Who is the man?”

“Man? There’s no man.”

“Is it one of the soldiers?”

“Soldier?” I opened my eyes wide and held on to the windowsill. “There is no soldier.”

“You smell like sex, Pietra. Tell me who he is!” The order implicit in her tone made it clear that I could not escape her interrogation.

As much fear as I was feeling, maybe it was time to start telling my family who the man I really wanted was and make them understand.

“He is not a soldier.” I dropped my body onto the chair in front of the desk and my grandmother continued looking at me. “Neither is he any of my father's acquaintances.”

“Some kid who isn't involved with the mafia?”

I said no.

“By God, don't tell me he's a cop.”

“He's involved with the mafia, but not our mafia. He is a Russian.”

“Ah, my lord!” My grandmother fell back and put her hand on her forehead, showing that she was dizzy. “How did you end up getting involved with this monster?”

“He's not a monster. Well, not with me... aren't your kids like that?”

“My children would do anything for the family.”

“Mikhail would do anything for me.”

My grandmother shook her head no.

“They are not like us.”

“I know that, but I also know how he feels about me. He wouldn't be risking coming here if he didn't want me.”

“How did you meet this man?” She ran her hand through her hair, pushing it back. Grandma was nervous and as much as I didn't want her to feel that way, I didn't know a way to avoid her despair.

“At a charity event four years ago. We were all there and I just saw him. It was just a few seconds, and I could never forget him. Neither did he, because he contacted me a few months ago.”
