Page 80 of The Virgin I Desire

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I would die for you. Is that enough?

Blood is worth nothing, but what we choose means everything. I never wanted anything more than you.


Would you hurt me or our children?


No. You know that, but I would kill anyone who dared to hurt any of you.


My teacher is here. I'll text you as soon as I can.

Take care, Mik. I worry about you, I love you.

After the last message I threw the cell phone back on the table, thinking about what she had said to me. I was anxious to have her soon and that wait made me irritated, at the same time I didn't want to force her. Pietra was the only person who showed love for me, who didn't judge me for being a bastard, or act under my orders because she was afraid.

That was good and a feeling I didn't want to lose, but it didn't mean it would be easy to maintain it in the world we lived in.

Chapter thirty-four

“Well done, Pietra!” The teacher smiled as he got up from the chair where he was sitting next to me teaching me.


“You’re learning very quickly.”

“I've been applying myself,” I said with a wry smile, since that was a half-truth.

I used to be more attentive and dedicated to the course, but at that moment my mind couldn't get a certain Russian outof my head. This became even worse when he told me his life was in danger. I wasn't completely alien to the world of the mafia, I knew that my family had many enemies, but still, I didn't think about anyone's death. Thinking about losing Mikhail left me with a heavy feeling and a sense of discomfort that made me queasy and with trouble breathing.

I needed to create a strategy, overcome my fear and face my father about what I really wanted. I was smart, I had his blood, and I could make him understand that there was no one better for me than Russia’s Pakhan. I had to create a good argument and make him realize that with the alliance we would be stronger.

“See you tomorrow, Pietra.” The teacher waved at me, leaving the room, but I barely reacted, because I was completely immersed in my thoughts.

I cracked my fingers and neck, looking from side to side and took a few breaths before standing up. In part Mikhail was right, I was stalling because I was scared. I would rather have him in secret than not have him at all, however, I couldn't escape the truth for long.

I gathered all the courage I had, hidden in the darkest corners, and went to the hallway. The door to my father's office was closed, I heard voices from inside. He seemed to be discussing something with Uncle Theo that I didn't quite understand, some attack or invasion.

I kept breathing and tried to stand my ground, I raised my hand and prepared to knock. I mentally tried to plan the phrases I would say to him and the irrefutable arguments for him to agree to a marriage with someone who was not the one he had chosen for me.

I knocked, but my hand was shaking so much I wasn't sure I had enough strength to make myself heard.

Then endless seconds passed until Uncle Theo opened the door. He lowered his eyes and looked at me firmly.

“What happened, Pietra?” There was a harshness in his tone, and I assumed I might have interrupted something.

I moved my head and saw my father sitting behind the table, where there were weapons and money. He looked back at me, but before he could question me too, I felt a hand touch my arm.

“Pietra, we don’t need it anymore. The men are busy, we can leave it for later.”

Surprised, I turned around and realized that my grandmother was next to me.

“What's going on, mom?” Theo turned to her.
