Page 81 of The Virgin I Desire

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“I just asked Pietra if she thought you had any preferences for the party buffet. She decided to confirm, but it's not necessary.”

“You know us well, mother. I'm sure you'll make a good choice.” Uncle Theo didn't linger.

“Of course!” Grandma smiled. “Let's go, dear!” She pulled my arm just as her son took a step back and slammed the door in our faces.

Rosimeire dragged me into her library, threw me on the couch and closed the door before turning to me.

“What do you think you were doing, girl?”

“Trying to talk to my father.”

“About the Russian?”


“That's a horrible idea, Pietra.”

“My father needs to know.” I crossed my arms and gritted my teeth. “I'm not marrying Lansky.”

“You can't announce something like that to Marco and not expect consequences.”

“My father will understand that it will be a good alliance, better than with the Americans.”

“There is no alliance without trust,” my grandmother continued giving me a serious look.

“You can trust Mikhail. I trust him.”

“They'll think the Russian is manipulating you. You’re just a girl, Pietra. There is still a lot to learn about the world.”

“Why can't anyone support it?” A tear fell from my eyes, and I turned my head so I wouldn't continue staring at my grandmother. “I want him, and he wants me too. Shouldn't that be enough?”

“Probably in the world outside the mafia, though, you know how everything has always worked out for us, darling.”

“It's so cruel.” I crossed my arms feeling my chest tightness intensify.

“Sadly yes.”

“I think Mikhail is right. I didn't want to have to move away from my family, but the best alternative seems to be going with him to Russia.”

“Don't even think about doing something like that.” My grandmother was emphatic.

“It may be the only option.”

“If you go to Russia without your father's approval you could take the entire family to a war that will end up killing you, your uncles, your brother and cousins. Is this what you want?”

I shook my head no.

“Then don't act without prudence.”

“Just as I want him, Mikhail wants me. He won't accept me marrying anyone other than him.”

“If he really feels as you say, I assume not. The only way this situation doesn't turn into a bloody war is for you to marry the Russian amicably.”

“It is all that I want.”

“But that doesn't mean it will be easy. your father has already promised you to another man and will upset the Americans by canceling the commitment.”

“I didn't want the situation to have reached this point.”
