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I opened the middle door and found a jewelry box; inside there was a small necklace with an Orthodox cross. The only memory I had of my mother. I kept it at the bottom of my suitcase. I wasn't the sentimental type, but when you didn't have anyone, it was hard not to get attached to the little things.

I took what I needed and closed the suitcase. Pulling it into the hallway when I heard Igor's bedroom door open. To my surprise, it wasn't my half-brother who came out, nor a woman, but a man who turned around and kissed him on the mouth.

“What are you doing here?” He gritted his teeth as soon as he saw me when the man I recognized as a soldier stepped out of his field of view.

“Who is the little whore?” Maybe I should have not made that kind of mockery, however, having swallowed his provocations my whole life, I couldn't keep quiet.

Several times the asshole had made me fuck whores in front of him, saying that I had to prove that I was male, but it wasn't my taste in women that was at stake.

“My father should have killed you when you were born.”

“It looks like he won't have the opportunity to do that anymore.”

Igor snorted, growling like a bull and came towards me. I dodged a punch and let the suitcase fall to the floor. I had held myself back for years from hitting him, but I wasn't just aboutto take it laying down. I threw a punch, hitting his solar plexus. He was shirtless and the impact was strong enough to make him stagger.

“You little bitch!” He shouted at me.

Andrei, the soldier who was with him, came to his defense and attacked me. I moved my arm to protect myself from a punch to the face and then I flinched to avoid being hit in the stomach. Suddenly, they were both on top of me, throwing punches and kicks, which I dodged and fought back.

I felt an iron taste in my mouth when Andrei hit me in the stomach with a strong punch. He was more precise and better trained than Igor, who had spent much of his time avoiding training.

I grabbed Igor's arm when he tried to punch me and I hit him in the chest, then in the chin, making him spit out some blood. For many years I had waited for that moment to be able to retaliate for everything he had done to me, and I didn't hold back, I defended myself and attacked.

Andrei hit my knee, which made my body lean to the side, but I spun around and landed a kick with my other leg on the side of his waist.

They both came at me, and I ducked, causing them to hit the wall.

I wasn't able to dodge Andrei's second punch so well, which hit my cheek and caused my senses to be impaired for a few seconds.

They pushed me and I staggered to a stop near the stairs that led down to the first floor.

Igor threw another punch, which I dodged easily.

He came at me with everything, and I turned my body, getting out of the way. He stepped wrongly on the edge of the stairs and ended up falling, rolling down step by step until he reached the bottom. Paying attention to him, I forgot that Andrei was behind me, and he pushed me. I tried to tip my body backwards so I wouldn't fall, but I couldn't. I rolled down the stairs, feeling my bones collide against each step. I tried hard to keep my head steady and minimize the impact on it as much as possible, however, once I got down there, I was still dizzy.

I barely had time to recover from the fall before Igor was on top of me.

“I won't make the same mistake as my father.”

“I don't think he saw me that way.”

Igor started punching me and I closed my arms around my face to avoid being hit. As soon as I realized he was getting tired, I moved my knee up, and rotated my body, pushing my leg forward. I hit his member directly and he flinched, screaming in pain.

Andrei threw a gun at Igor and luckily, he didn't try to shoot me. He was smart enough to know that if the bullet missed half a millimeter, it could kill Igor.

My stepbrother pointed the gun in my direction, and I stood up, approaching him and using a movement to disarm him. I took it from his hand, and it shot against the wall. Leaving a hole.

In my field of view, I could see that many of the soldiers had gathered in the room to watch the fight, but none of them dared to intrude.

Igor tried to punch me again and I grabbed his wrist, pulling him hard and hitting his head on the step.

He walked away dizzily, a trickle of blood running down the side of his face, where the blow had opened a gash in his forehead. He came at me again and hit me in the stomach, but I fought back, hitting him in the head. I held it back by successively slamming it against the wall. I didn't stop, using more and more force, I noticed his face transforming and becoming swollen until he lost consciousness and I continued hitting him. Then his skull sank, and blood splashed onto my clothes.

I dropped him to the floor and his lifeless body fell at the foot of the stairs.

I had acted on impulse and anger, but I had ended up killing him.

I was a bastard; the son of a prostitute and I had just buried my father. I thought I had no authority, but I realized I was wrong when instead of shooting at me, the soldiers bowed.
