Page 10 of The Virgin I Desire

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I had the feeling that they respected me more than Igor, but at that moment, I was sure.

“Pakhan!” one of them whispered and I realized what I had become.

Chapter four

You know there is no escape when you realize the world you were born into is a dark and more distorted version of the Middle Ages, where the strongest reigned, and alliances were the most important of all.

My father loved me and my siblings too and the way to show this was with his protection and care. I've always been a smart girl and even though the desire to escape, discover andsee new places was innate in me, I was fully aware that without the protection of the soldiers and my family, our enemies would easily put a bullet in my head or do something worse. The Belluccis had many enemies, which were inherited by everyone, transmitted by blood and renewed like the sunrise every day.

I had the best life possible, within my world, I was a princess. For my sister it was the same way. She knew that my father would not have chosen Luca Mancini to become the husband of one of us if he had not found him suitable. He was powerful, influential and had the resources necessary to protect his wife. In addition to strengthening what was most important, the family.

Even though I was completely aware of all this, I couldn't avoid the feeling of discomfort and the apprehension in my stomach that consumed me like crazy.

As soon as we said goodbye to the Sicilian, my sister and I went back to our rooms. She sighed lightly while the butterflies in my stomach were still restless. I knew that for a Bellucci my choices should be made thinking about everyone and not just my own will, the man with whom I would spend the rest of my life was crucial in this, but...

“I don't want to marry him.” I closed the door when Perla came in and threw myself on the bed, pulling a pillow over my head.

“Why not?”

I pulled the pillow closer and curled up.

“He is adorable and handsome. He has such a sexy accent...”

“Are you into him?” I got up from the bed in a rush and made my sister startle with my agile movement, I was surprised to hear her say that she had any interest in the Sicilian.

“I am...” she rubbed her hands together and turned her face, hiding it in her dark, wavy hair.

“Oh!” I was stunned.

“Let's be realistic, Pietra. We're not going to college or date a guy on the football team. We will never have the opportunity to have sex in the backseat of an old car. Our destinies will be shaped by Dad, and he will be no less than a boss. So why not him? He's Manuela's cousin, we know him, and we're not going that far. Not to mention that Palermo is a beautiful city.”

“Yes... He's a good candidate.”

My sister was right. It had to be someone, and Luca showed himself to be a worthy man given the options we faced. However, I couldn't get the images of the man I had seen four years ago out of my head.

“You're not thinking about him, are you?”

“Him?” I acted like I didn't understand.

“The blond guy.”

“Of course not.” I threw my hair back and turned my gaze to the window, watching as the rays of afternoon sunlight passed through the glass and shone on the covers of my notebooks and books on the bedside table.

“Pietra!” My sister pulled my arm and made me turn to her.

“He's not a mirage because you told me you saw him too.”

“You know that if dad's soldiers didn't kill him, your chances of seeing him again are zero. You heard what they said, the guy is a Russian.”

“An enemy... I know.” I crossed my arms and exhaled forcefully.

I didn't have to harbor any feelings about someone I'd seen for less than a minute. I didn't know his name, where he was from or what the hell he was doing at that party, however, I couldn't stop dreaming about him. From night to night, the same memory repeated itself as if the loop would last forever.

“Forget it.” I waved my hand, trying to avoid the subject. “As you said, I'll never see him again and it doesn't matter. The subject is Luca, you're going to marry him...”

“No one said I was going to marry him.”

“Let's be reasonable, you want him, and I don't. He would be an idiot if he chose me.”
