Page 57 of Untamed Obsession

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“She’s a nurse. Get the medical equipment!” Leonardo yelled, obviously in pain from the shot.

One of the men ran out and Vasquez picked up his phone, struggling to tap in the number he was trying to call despite his bleeding arm. He got it ringing and put it on speaker. “Dick! Where the fuck are you!”

“I’m five minutes out, Boss!”

“Well get here! Now! We’re trapped down in the basement, and we need to get the hell out of here!”

“Are we still doing it? Are we taking down the wall?” Dick asked.

“Yes! Just get there and hit it! And have the cars ready!”

The man returned with the medical supplies and handed them over to me. Vasquez waved me over with his free hand, “Fix me up. Now!”

“I can’t-”

He pulled out his gun and fired with his other hand, the bullet landing dangerously close to my foot, “Don’t make me ask you again. Do what you are trained to do and fix my fucking arm! Angelo did this to me, and you’re going to fix it!”

“I can’t, I reallycan’t!” I repeated, scared that he would shoot at me.

“Why not?”

“My hands aren’t steady enough. They’re still freezing. I can’t do anything with them like this. I’d just injure you even more... But I can guide you through the procedure.”

Vasquez looked down at my hands and saw that they were shaking from the cold, then he looked back at me, “If you are fucking with me right now, I will kill you. You hear me?”

“What did it?” I asked, ignoring his threats. The sounds of the gunshots above us continued, sounding even more sporadic as time went on. I tried to funnel it out and focus on the task at hand.

“What? What are you saying?” Vasquez asked, confused.

“The cut, what-” A loud yell from someone who had been shot entered the room and I turned away, looking in the direction from which the scream had come.

“Bitch, talk! Now!” Leonardo yelled, waving a blade in front of my face.

“What cut you?” I yelled back.

“A knife. From fucking Angelo!” Vasquez replied.

“Then we need to clean it. The solution in the box, get it out and douse it over the wound. It’s methylated, so it won’t hurt much.”

“Okay,” Vasquez replied, working gingerly as he bit off the cap of the bottle and poured it over the open wound. I smiled as I saw his face contort in pain. “Youmotherfucker!”

“Calm down! If you raise your blood pressure, you’ll only lose blood and pass out and probably die. I need you relaxed, so breathe and ride through the pain. You’re a man, aren’t you? So be one!”

Vasquez got to his feet and pointed his gun at my forehead, “You think you’ve got a smart mouth, but I can make sure that you never speak another word again. Watch yourself, or you might lose a few teeth the next time you speak.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied. As gunshots continued to fire upstairs, I couldn’t help but pray that Angelo was still safe.

* * *


Getting past the men was a problem. We could see the doorway that led down into the basement where they were held down, but we could not move in. The stairs were filled with men pointing their guns back at us, and there was no way for us to step out of cover and attack them. They were held in, and we could not get to them. It was a stalemate. One man rushed out of cover, rushing right for us with his micro-Uzi submachine gun in hand spraying wildly at us. Benny aimed and fired with his rifle, dropping the man to the floor.

“That's the last of it,” said Benny, throwing his sniper to the floor.

“Here.” I picked up the submachine gun and tossed it across the hall to Benny.

He picked up the gun, checked the mag and put it back in the weapon. He peered down the hall and spotted the hand of one of the men, trying to get a peek at where they were. If he had his sniper, he would have been able to one-shot the man, but from that distance with a gun like that, he would miss the shots, so he stayed, watching.
