Page 62 of Untamed Obsession

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“Who are we looking at as candidates?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No one for now. We need to be certain that the next person does not cause an incident like Vasquez did. So, we will be going through a rigorous vetting process.”

“Great,” I replied. “Because I know for a fact that I cannot take another gunshot wound.”

Nolan nodded. “Finally, the Commission was hoping that you could come in for a chat, whenever you have the time. What you did was nothing short of stunning, despite all the chaos surrounding Vasquez’s elimination, so we’re looking to commend you in some way. Ease things over. When you have the time, come find us and we can begin talks for that. As long as you’re interested, of course; if you choose to decline, then that’s fine as well.”

I nodded and looked up at the photo of my father on the wall. The story of what happened sounded like a lot of gloating, and I was certain that I would aggrandize some of my achievements. I was not looking for anything of the sort, but somehow, I felt like I did deserve to have my story told. But not to the Commission, they could find another way to immortalize me, to immortalize the man who made me who I am.

“This will be available for everyone who becomes a part of the families, yes?” I asked.

“Yes, so they can read of your acts of valor, and how you saved your family all by yourself.”

“No, I’d rather not have it on record. That would be too official. Instead, I like it as it is, in truth, told by the mouths of my family members. That is where it should remain. But if there is anyone who should be immortalized, it should be my father. Tell that to them and let me know what they say.”

Nolan nodded, “Of course, sir.” He got to his feet and turned to Maria. “Ma’am, you both have a wonderful evening.”



“You might think I’m nagging, but I can promise you, you haven’t seen anything yet. I’m old for Christ’s sake!” My mother said, wagging her finger at my face.

“You’re in your late fifties, Ma,” I replied, chuckling.

“Exactly! So, what’s the holdup? Let me see it.”

“What?” I asked, turning to face her as she grabbed my hand and looked at my wedding ring. “Think about it. You had the worst luck with men, and when you finally find the one, you land someone rich, and handsome, and smart! So, I’m asking you again… Why are you making me wait for a grandchild?”

“Because we’ve only been married six months! There is a lot we need to understand about each other,let alonechildren, before we even begin the whole babies talk.” I replied, smiling as I got up from the table and walked to the sink. I took a glass to the tap and had a drink of water, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice.

“What? Do you need help or something? Because if you need some advice from a licensed practitioner...”

“Ma!” I yelled.

“What? I’m a lot better now than I was. So, I could even go with you! If that’s all it takes, then I’ll do it. I want my grandkids, Maria, before I’m too old to enjoy them.”

I walked over to her and took a bite of her steak before kissing her cheek, “You’re not going anywhere, so have some patience. You will get them soon enough.”

She got up and walked out to the living room, leaving her plate for me to finish. I took it and walked with her as she took a different seat. It seemed so natural having my mother here. In the last few months, she had gotten a lot better as Angelo had made sure that she got the best treatment money could buy. He had also moved her into the house we were in, and she understood most of what had happened.

Candice was not entirely pleased with our initial arrangement and had asked for him to release me as soon as he had visited her. But he had stalled enough to buy himself some time. When I finally saw her again after her trip to the hospital, she already looked a lot healthier, and was more than happy to see me. My mother had cried for the first time in forever, after she heard the story of what had happened to Angelo and me.

The night after the shootout, I had met up with her. I still remember our first talk after such a long time apart…

“So, you love him then,” my mother asked me after I had finished narrating everything that had happened.

I shook my head, “He took everything from me, and endangered my life. I cannot be in love with a man like that.”

“But youare, listen to the way you speak about him. Even this now, denying how you feel for him. Does it not hurt you inside?”

I cried so much, not knowing what to say. My mother wiped my cheeks and lifted my chin to face her, “It is your life, so you must do what you think is right. But think very hard about it, and then act.”

Retreating from my thoughts, I saw her now as she walked to one of the shelves in the corner of the room and grabbed an envelope, looking through it. My mother paused and turned to look at me with a smile on her face. “Now, I got this in the mail a few days ago, and I sort of forgot until you got here today.”

My eyes went wide as I knew the only mail that had this house as the return address was the only mail I was expecting. I tore open the envelope and read the details silently before looking up at my mother with a smile. She was smiling as well, almost as though she knew what the mail said. I wrapped my hands around her, hugging her tightly before I put it back in my purse.

“I don’t think I will get used to living alone. I have always been with you, and this is not really what I envisioned, and I wished it was different. But I guess the time has come.”
