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“Alright. Here's what we are going to do: we will increase the patrol numbers and shift our schedules so they aren’t consistent, just in case Jake is tracking that. I also want a special patrol around my place when Quinn and Maddie are there.”

“Of course, Alpha.”

I leave the room, not even sparing a glance, and head back to my office because, despite this taking up much of my time, I still run an entire construction company and need to check my damn emails. Rounding the corner to head to my office, I spot Crystal and Amber, two she-wolves from my pack. Amber turns her pale grey eyes on me as I head towards them. I really don’t want to talk to her, not just because she is a self-obsessed wolf, but because she is one of the mistakes I made after Quinn left. I put a mask of indifference on as they both turn to address me. Crystal speaks first.

“Alpha Eli! Good to see you.”

I nod at her in greeting. “Can I help you? Standing outside my door would imply you want to see me about something.”

“Oh no, not me.” She giggles and winks at Amber. “I have to go.”

She turns to scurry away as Amber starts swaying her hips; the walk isn't even that far from my office door to where I'm standing. She has consistently propositioned me since I took her to bed once—what a mistake. I cross my arms and step back slightly as she reaches her hand out to touch me.

“Eli, it’s been so long. I wanted to see how you were doing. Sometimes, it feels like you're ignoring me.”

I am.

“Is there something I can help you with, Amber?”

“It’s not really what you can help me with, but what I can help you with.”

“I’m busy, so if you do not require assistance, then I will be leaving. If you have any issues, talk to Dean.”

“The Beta? Eli, I heard the Elders were encouraging you to take a female to strengthen your position as Alpha. We had something special before; I know if you give us another chance, you will not be disappointed in me as a mate. Didn't I satisfy you before?” The look in her eyes makes my skin crawl. Her father is close to Jim, so I’m not surprised she knows what the Elders have asked me to do. But I would never go back to her; hell, there isn't even anything to go back to! I slept with her once, and she let that go to her head, showing me how much of a vile woman she is.

“Amber, that was nearly three years ago, and you knew then that it was nothing. I am not interested.”

Her sickly-sweet face falls away, and the evil that lives underneath resurfaces.

“Is it that disgusting wolf from the Clearwater pack that has you all bothered? She doesn't deserve you, and certainly doesn't deserve to be a part of the Twilight Meadows pack.” I just spent the last hour dealing with the Elders, which has already put me on edge; I don't need to deal with her. My arms fall to my side, and a snarl rips from my mouth. Her self-righteous face turns to utter fear, and my wolf is satisfied with the terror she exudes.

“You will NOT talk about her that way, and if you know what's good for you. It seems the rumor mill is alive and well in this pack, so spread the word that Quinn is under my protection, and anyone who dares insult her will answer to me. I am not just any wolf, Amber; I am your Alpha! Do not talk to me again; I don't care if you are near death. You can speak with Dean if you require pack help.” I turn on my heel and enter my office, slamming the door behind me. My blood is boiling! But this time, I won't be pushed into betraying Quinn; this time, I will fight for her. Even if I have to take the entire pack on. She is mine now; our daughter will be safe and loved here. I'll make sure of it. Dean walks into my office a short time later.

“What did they say?” No sense beating around the bush.

“They obviously don't like it. But Wilson spoke up about finally getting the Clearwater pack in order. He knows of some of the abuse happening in that pack. He was able to settle the group.” Wilson is a good wolf, and I am glad for his support. “Some think it will just antagonize Jake into attacking and think either we put the entire pack down or get rid of Quinn to devise a better plan to deal with Jake.”

“That's exactly what the old Alpha suggested, and look how that turned out. The pack has had hundreds of years to figure out what to do with the Clearwater pack. They have used subterfuge and bargaining to no avail, and let's be honest, the peace talks were a joke. This needs to end not only for the safety of my family but for the pack, too.”

“How are they, by the way?”

“Maddie is happy and oblivious to what is happening, which is good. Quinn looks like she is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders despite me telling her I am here to help.”

“Can you blame her? The last time she saw you, you told her you didn’t want to be with her. Besides, she has been doing it on her own for years; I suspect it's hard to relinquish that control when you have had to do it all for so long.” I nod because it’s true.

“I know that, but I'm at a loss. What should I do? She’s my true mate, and everything is screaming at me to be with her, but how do I convince her to take a chance again?”

“Have you taken her out? Maybe the two of you need to get away together and reconnect. Plan a date or something. Do romantic things.” He winks at me, and I can’t help but huff out a laugh. He’s right. I need to show Quinn I want her. Not just Maddie, but her, too.

“I need to ask you a question, Dean.”

“Of course.”

“Should I tell Dad and Mom that Quinn is my true mate?” Dean has been a friend for years, and I know he has a good handle on this situation. Maybe he has some insight that I don't.

“I know we tried to keep that quiet at the beginning, but she is your true mate, Eli. Seluna sending you a true mate is a gift! All shifters know that; hell, we all want it. I think if your dad knew, he would reconsider his stance on you wanting to be with her. I know he freaked out yesterday, but he’s seen what a weak Alpha can do to a pack and wants the best for not only you but this pack as well. Your parents are true mates. He will know the pull that comes with that better than anyone. Though he might kick your ass once he realizes you let her go all those years ago.”

He’s right. Plus, Quinn needs to feel supported here, and with Dad on the other side, she might feel more isolated than she actually is. With that decided, I need to plan a date for Quinn. After a few more hours of work, I can get back to my girls, which has quickly become my favorite part of the day.
