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“We’re safe, Eli, and sending half the pack isn't going to do Quinn any good. You need to focus; she is going to need your help.”

“What do you mean, you’re safe? Where are you? How am I supposed to help Quinn when I don't even know where she is! Did she tell you?”

“Look, I know this is probably really upsetting, but Quinn made me swear not to tell anyone where we are. She said that Jake has an informant in the pack, and she doesn’t trust anyone not to say where we are. Besides that, no, she didn't tell me where she was headed. I don't like this either, but...she is doing what she thinks is best, and we have to trust that she has a plan.”

“She didn't even trust me?” I need to tell her how much I love her…

“I’m sorry, Eli.”

“You swear you don't know where she is, Mom?”

“I really don’t know, Eli. She dropped us off and took my vehicle to meet up with Jake.”

“What! And you let her?!”

“I am not her keeper, Eli. But I am a mother, and her daughter is being threatened by a lunatic. So, I get why she is doing it. All I know is you need to trust her. She has a plan, and I believe whatever it is, it will all work out.” Her optimism doesn’t quell the turmoil in my stomach. All work out? What the hell.

“Are you sure you guys are safe?”

“Yes, no one will find us.”

“Okay…okay…I need to go. Tell Maddie I love her.”

“I will…and Eli?”


“I love you and am so happy Seluna gave you Quinn.” I can’t swallow around the lump in my throat because I am also happy Seluna gave her to me, too. Still, I wonder if she brought her back into my life to take her away again. She wouldn't be that cruel, though...would she? I'm second-guessing everything. I need to focus and act.

“Me too.”

After getting off the phone with Mom, I call Dominic to rally everyone to the pack house. Not only do I need to find Quinn and gut Jake, but now I need to find a mole in my own pack. That makes me even angrier. Who would betray me like that, and to what end? I speed into the pack house driveway as pebbles pelt the underside of the SUV. I fly out of the vehicle and head inside. People are gathering outside and inside, getting ready for the fight ahead. The Elders and a few others stand in the entryway. I look at one of my senior warriors, standing ready to act.

"Take six warriors and scout out the Clearwater pack territory. See if you can find anyone willing to talk to us. Maybe Jake has pissed off someone enough that they would be willing to tell us where he went."

"Yes, Alpha."

Dominic is organizing everyone into units, preparing for a fight. At the same time, I walk into the conference room with the Elders. Dominic joins me at the front, far more collected than I am.

“Quinn turned herself over to Jake in order to protect our daughter and this pack. She sacrificed herself to protect all of us.”

The silence in the room is deafening. Those who were against Quinn stand in shock over this news. They doubted her loyalty to this pack, and though I am sure the main reason she turned herself in was to protect Maddie, she did it also to protect this pack. Or else she would have run and left me to deal with Jake.

“You still think she wouldn’t be a good Luna?”

Jim looks around and finally lands on my gaze. “No. That is the ultimate sacrifice, and we won’t stand by and let her do that. What do you want us to do?”

“We wait until the scouts return and report what is happening at the Clearwater pack. But the next thing to do is find out who the hell is the mole in our pack.” The room bursts to life as the Elders speak and ask what the hell I’m talking about. I raise my hand to quiet the room.

“Jake told Quinn he had a source in our pack feeding him information, which is why I don’t know where the hell my mother and my daughter are. Quinn was terrified someone would find out and lead Jake to her. Quinn would do anything for Maddie; she knows Jake would use Maddie against her.”

Jim and Wilson look at each other; they don’t usually see eye to eye, but I can tell this has struck a nerve. We may have disagreements, but betraying the pack is a cardinal sin. Whoever was stupid enough to do it will have to face Jim and Wilson; I don't envy them.

“We’ll figure out who’s talking to Jake.” Wilson nods.

“Good. In the meantime, let’s get ready for war.”

Dad walks in just before I leave and says, “We need to call the council. If for no other reason than to cover our own asses.”
